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Subject: baguio copea strat plan discussions, draft, unsigned minutes

Carlo G. Soldevilla
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Date Posted: 22:59:14 04/28/13 Sun

Strategic Planning Minutes

Membership - karen, marlyn

bulletin boards, list of officers, history, goodnews, midyear assessment, raffle, HMO

sports - manny, rey

wellness, fish spa, dental, first aid kid, dental clinic, prayer room

ways and means - ofel, ethel

old news, botica, financial report

education and research - beth, lyn

5s, garbage, red cross, livelihood, orient new members

grievance/mediation - melinda, munich

explain matters to the concerned

election - carlo

April's (2013) last wed , thu. and fri.
wednesday -travel time
thursday - popcom baguio chat while having breakfast
*suggestion for popcom to have woodpushers club or chess club

car gave laundry benefits to their employees but was advised by milet to stop doing so in favor of other better benefits
that popcom may have

manny asked for financial report of nadea for popcom to post to avoid doubts where the money goes.

popcom employees to enjoy the fruits (real) of popcom

carlo reported on copea election needs which include paraphernalias, the ink, the conduct, the date, the committee, the sample ballot, the ticket or party list
system, the 'air time' or campaign period, the ballot box. The election is set on February 2013

manny wants to have DAWIT (dedication, ability, will, integrity and time ) among copea officers.

the handbook and manual must soon be prepared for copea

the income of dorm must go to copea and also the income of old newspapers

karen proposed golf with the neighborhood.

noli will meet with nadea in cebu this may

ofel, on the day of her promotion, will soon transfer to region 4

carlo will surround popcom with beans starting this may

driver dante spoke his heart out about his 'floating status', hoping he could drive again
but momentarily accepted his fate being reassigned as an encoder of CAR by virtue of office order.

the matter about raising roosters at office was asked. the chicken dung ( manure) served as organic fertilizer for plants when dried. about this matter, there's no definite answer for 'yes' or 'no' but milet simply asked about popcom mandate.

cooking in the office using popcom electric power is discouraged. one officer said sometimes they cook beef noodles. this is to save money for the dec. 2013 cna.

other matters...

signed by: _______

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