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Date Posted: 03:42:23 04/07/13 Sun
Author: doublet2k13 (happy)
Subject: Transfer WU + Sell CVV - Dumps Track 1&2 - Paypal account - Bank login fullz info hacked !

Hi all customer & buyer !

Today I open a service about sell cvv, dumps track 1&2, paypal, bank login and transfer wu .
In 4 years, at the university and forum UG I have learn more about fraud .
So I hacked and develope some software , cvv , shop admin online .
Now all shop I have about 5 shop admin with more 500k CVV + Dumps track 1&2 + Paypal account hacked and bank login

And from 4 days to 1 week ....Shop will update more information about CVV

So I sure all checked and see it good ! Then I write this topic to sell all I have

My detail :

Yahoo : Doublet_2013@yahoo.com

The Table of price :

CVV (Credit cards) : per 1

- Us (visa,master) = 3$
- Us (amex,discover) = 5$
- UK (visa,master)) = 10$
- UK (amex) = 30$
- Au (Visa,master) = 10$
- Au (amex) = 30$
- Ca (visa,master) = 10$
- Ca (amex) = 20$
- Eu (Fr,Ger,It,Se,Pol,Greece,..) = 30$
- Asia (Jp,Cn,Phlp,Sing,...) = 25$

* NOTICE : I just sell random - NO SELL BIN OR FULL OR 3D SECURITY (because dont have time check and check it very hard)

Dumps Track 1&2 service code 101 , 201 : per 1

- Us (classic - gold,premium,.... - corporate,world) = 30$ - 50$ - 70$
- Uk (classic,stardart - gold,platinum,...) = 50$ - 70$
- Eu (classic - gold,premium) = 100$ - 120$
- Ca (classic,stardart - gold,platinum,premium) = 40$ - 70$

Transfer WU : per 1 time

Transfer WU by 2 ways :

1) Transfer by fraud and verified with WU office (use cvv fullz or bank login fullz info) -----this way cheap but long and risk
2) Transfer by WU bug software develope by me (use bug of site and attack server to make transfer) ---- this way high but safe and quick

Contact me to know about Transfer WU price !

Yahoo : Doublet_2013@yahoo.com


1) No talking with spamer,scamer ...No talking with who talk more and cry about scammed before !
2) No test free , if want or real let's make small order with me via LR to test my stuff ! (Real and good buyer, never ask about free)
3) No trust don't contact (waste time)
4) Online from 9AM - 12AM (Vietnam times)
5) Only accept WU and LR ------ Minimum accept both is 50$ (Never change my rules)

Last, I want to say to every body .... If real good buyer and real want find a good seller .... Me is best choice !

Trust one time and rich more time ! (Thinking about it and kick the scare)


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