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Date Posted: 10:15:27 11/05/99 Fri
Author: President Vengeance
Subject: The Prez is back!
In reply to: The Slinger 's message, "The Plan is Hatched" on 11:22:58 11/04/99 Thu

*President walks into the arena and the crowd starts booing and throwing debris at him.*

PV: Ahh, shut up, you stupid fans!


PV: Boo all you want, but it won't do you a bit of good. I'm the prez and it's gonna stay that way!


PV: I'd like to see you try, idiots!! AHAHAHA!!! Enough with you fans, I have business to settle.

So, ET and the Slinger don't want to be in my corporate team anymore, eh? Well that's too bad. If they want to keep their jobs here, they'll stay in the corporate stable, do as I say, and like it!!! I'm the boss, and what I say goes!

Fans: BOOOOO!!!!!!

PV: *in a sarcastic voice* Boooo! Booo! *back to normal voice* Boo all you want, you stupid fans! If you don't like my decisions, you can just get the hell outta here!

Speaking of outta here, I haven't seen Brad Steel lately. What kind of World Champ would just up and leave. I goes BS is nothin' but a bunch of BS. Hey, Steel, if you don't show up and do an interview by the end of the day today, I'm declaring the World Title vacant! And I'll decide who gets to contend for it! Oh, and either Stuart Snidley or I will be the ref.

One more thing, Showcase, welcome to the Corporate Team. And just in case you forgot, if you decide not to join, or you join and don't do exactly what I say, or you do what I say but complain about it, you'll be joining the unemployment line.

Hey D-son!!! You little goody-goody twit! I needed some money to buy a new suit, but I didn't feel like spending my own money, so I took it out of your paycheck. And if you gotta problem with it, you can take it up with.....*gets a devilish grin on his face*...The Slinger. Just remember what I said Slinger, my way, or the highway. AHAHAHA!!! AHAHAHA!!!!

See ya later, chumps!!!!

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