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Date Posted: 10:38:17 11/15/99 Mon
Author: Jake Cavalry
Subject: The General Speaks about his Title Match

~The scene is set as Jake is seeing walking out of a rehab centre. He is walking with a slight limp and a cane as he seems to be smiling and enjoying a joke with some fans. The camera catches him against the backdrop of the setting sun reflecting off of his leather jacket worn above his shirt and jeans. As Jake sees the camera approach he raises his hand and the group of admirers goes silent.Jake begins to speak in his trademarked slow, steady and gravelly voice~

Jake Cavalry: When I see how things have come full circle I know that momma was right when she said that everything is on the circle and the ring always comes round again. The time has come for a champion who call be looked up to, a champion who can wear the belt and talk at the same time, A champion who can walk the walk and talk the talk.. a man of the people, the people's champion, Jake Cavalry.

~The crowd begins to chant.. Cav-al-ry...Cav-al-ry...Cav-al-ry...Cav-al-ry...~

JC: Brad Steel the only impact you could make is the one on the floor the ratings are plummetting through. El Toreador, when lady luck smiled and tossed her bolt of lightning into that cage and let you pin me... Just remember who saved your little wick before I put out your fire.. and LoonyMack Steve Black... stick to hardcore where you and your doctor's can keep you healthy because now you want to play with the big boys and you gotta pray you have more than that toady Vengence lookin' out for ya. Friday is a day that will mark the beginning of the age of honour. The trumpet will blow and the belt will be mine as the bell sounds and there is no doubt....

The Cavalry has returned...

~ The Crowd is chanting Jake's name louder as he climbs into the back of a limo with a couple of other gentlemen hiddne from camera view inside..~

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