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Date Posted: 12:43:09 11/05/99 Fri
Author: Fergy Taylor
Subject: The new beginning

As the TTSWF comes back from commercial the announcers says that its time to meet a new wrestler
seeking to enter TTSWF

The lights dim slightly and a Counting Crows tune plays gently from the speakers...
The crowd silences in unison as they stare at the runway

Fergy Taylor appears at the entrance in khaki's and a polo-shirt and a visor turned sideways
he smiles to the crowd as he makes his way to ring side, even gives a rather enthusiastic kid a
high five. The crowd remains dead silent all they do is stare at this smallish upstart and wonder
how the heck such a kid go into wrestling

Not that Fergy was that small at 6"0 and 220 lbs... its just that he seemed so out of place with his
rapper/preppy look and he still looked like a gawkish kid with that "awww shucks" grin

As Fergy approached ringside the announcers introduced Fergy to the crowd.... after a modest applause
Fergy took his seat next to the announcers. The next match was between two jobbers that Fergy
had never heard of but appearently he was supposed to call the match with the announcers.
Thinking of how boring this would be, Fergy starts to look around, noticing a rather cute chick in
the front row he gets out of his seat, totally not paying attention to the match at hand, and started pitchin
his "mack" as he calls it.... The announcers frustrated with this upstarts lack of respect ask him politely
to sit down if he wants to have a job tomorrow. The announcers watch Fergy regretfully turn back after
whispering to the girl something about partying later...

The announcers, flustered, ask Fergy what hes doing in TTWSF
Fergy looks around and says "Look at the crowd, they arent into this match or nothing, I want to
put TTWSF on my back and carry them back into ratings..... and make a S*** load of cash in the

The announcers cant believe what they are hearing from this kid
"How old are you?" the announcer asks incrediously
"23" replies Fergy
"Do you realize what you are going up against guys like Jake Cavalry or Brad Steel?" The announcers
pompously ask
"Yeah and I know ill get beat and beat, but ill fight and get one opening and land the lawn-mower and
nobody.....nobody is getting up from that. Then ill lock in the cry-baby and listen to those little sucks
answer my question"
"And whats that?"
"Whos your daddy?"
"Well we look forward to hearing from you in the future....i think"

Fergy gets up winks at the cute girl and leaves in the middle of the match without even looking at the
two combantants in the ring

The announcers turn their attention back to the match and continue their over-hyping of Gold Rush

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