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Date Posted: 04:34:03 11/06/99 Sat
Author: The Franchise
Subject: Back from a break.

(The scene opens at a TTSWF house show somewhere in the states.The camera is locked on the back entrance.Then suddenly the Franchise burst through the door and the crowd stand on their feet and give him a loud ovation.The Franchise then makes his way to the ring in his street clothes.The words The Franchise then appear on the TTSWF tron and a huge fireworks display explodes on the ramp and The Franchise comes out and stands in the middle of it flexing his muscles.The fireworks then die down and The Franchise makes his way to the ring and grabs a microphone.The crowd wait with anticipation as The Franchise raises the microphone to his lips.)


Now I take a short break away from the TTSWF and come back to find the place in shambles.Their champion has deserted them along with many others and from the people who are still here,we have not heard two words come out of their mouths.

Well never fear The Franchise is here to save the TTSWF from folding and to make them win the ratings war.Now I also come back to hear I have been inducted into some hit squad by some president nobody or something.I cant really remember what his name is because it is not important to me.But this President Nobody has put me into his pitiful little gang and did not even consult me about it.This guy did not even say my name right.Well President nobody you can stick your well layed plan up your well layed @$$ because nobody but nobody tells The Franchise what to do.The Franchise is here to acclomplish things by himself.

and for all my players out there,this one goes to you.

Mr.President,you can stick your well layed plan up your well layed @$$ CAUSE THIS IS ONE FRANCHISE THAT CAN NOT BE BOUGHT!!!!!!!

(The scene fades as another fireworks display explodes on the ramp and The Franchise makes his way back to the locker room.)


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