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Date Posted: 14:16:34 10/23/99 Sat
Author: The Slinger
Subject: Vengeance - If you can't beat em......

**The Scene – It is a TTSWF house show, somewhere in the mid-west. The arena is pitched into total darkness. The crowd starts to cheer, knowing what this means. Suddenly, a ricochet rings out, and a spotlight hits the figure at the top of the ramp – The Slinger! He is dressed, as always, in his trademark gear – black outback hat, vest, faded jeans and worn cowboy boots, with requisite spurs.

The Slinger begins walking purposefully down the ramp towards the ring, spurs gleaming in the spotlight as his music begins to blast through the arena. The crowd noise builds as he reaches the ring, hops up the apron, and vaults over the top rope.

He looks into the darkness at the crowd, his dark eyes glinting in the spotlight.

As the music fades, The Slinger quick-draws a microphone from his holster, and places it to his lips, waiting for the noise to die down. As the crowd noise dies, and his music fades, The Slinger takes a deep breath, and pauses before letting out a yell:

The Slinger – VENGEANCE!!!!!!

The crowd erupts with cheering, waving their “vengeance sux” and “president virgin” signs wildly, trying to catch the camera’s attention. The Slinger again waits a moment before continuing…

The Slinger – Vengeance, you win. Nobody can face you and your gang, and anyone who does is obviously going to come out on the losing end. I want that belt, I want the top, and you’re the man who can give it to me. Hey, I’ll forgive you for what your boys did to me last night, I know that you were just trying to prove a point to Brad Squeal. No hard feelings.

The crowd can’t believe what they’re hearing, they begin to boo The Slinger, and to chant “slinger sucks, slinger sucks”

The Slinger glares at the crowd – Screw the lot of you. I came to this federation to win gold, and to reach the top. If the only way I can do this is by siding with the boss, then that is what I will do, and watch out anyone who has a problem with that. So what do you say Mr. Vengeance, why don’t we work together and kick some ass around here? I have a match this Tuesday with Mystery Meat, and I know you don’t have any love for that piece of crap, so maybe we could work a little arrangement…
The crowd is now booing The Slinger mercilessly, as he continues to glare at them. He finally puts his finger to his lips and says to the audience

The Slinger - Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh………

The Slinger’s music blares again as he replaces his mic into his holster, vaults over the top rope to the floor, and the spotlight follows him back up the ramp again, spurs glinting….

Fade To Black.

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