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Date Posted: 11:25:22 10/27/99 Wed
Author: The Franchise
Subject: The arrival of the best thing since sliced bread.

(The scene opens at a house show in some unknown town.The crowd are waving signs around like there was no tommorow.They have no idea of the historical event they are about to see.Then suddenly a limo is seen on the TTSWF tron driving in to the arena.The car parks and the driver gets out.The driver then opens the back door and two feet are seen popping out of the car,the camera only looks at the feet so the people do not know who it is.The camera then cuts off and the crowd are left wondering who it was.

The crowd are left with out entertainment for about 5 minutes.Then suddenly some unfamiliar music booms through the arena and the words The Franchise appear on the TTSWF tron.Then suddenly the biggest fireworks display in the history of wrestling explodes on the ramp.Then in between all the fireworks appears an unfamiliar looking man.

He has short blonde hair,a ripped body and is wearing bright blue short tights.

He struts his way down to the ring flexing his muscles and showing of his body but the crowd do not pay attention as they are still looking at the fireworks display.

The Franchise then jumps in to the ring and flexes his muscles some more but again the crowd do not pay attention.

The Franchise then grabs a microphone and looks pissed off with the crowd.)

TF:Thats it cut the amusements!!! everyone is going to pay attention to me!!!

(The fireworks stop and the crowd turn their attention to The Franchise in the ring,but it is not the attention The Franchise wants as the fans start booing and throwing trash in the ring.)

TF:Well at least I know I have got your attention.So without further ado,ALL HAIL THE FRANCHISE!!!!!!!!FOR HE IS IN DA HOUSE!!!!!!!

I have come to TTSWF for one reason and one reason only and that is to make a name for myself.I plan to go on and win their World title and thus becoming the hottest name in this sport and the World.

Now if any of the roster of TTSWF do not like what I am saying I will lay out a contract for you to sign in the back and you can be my first victim on my road to superstardom.I will get you all in the ring one by one and destroy you all until the title is around my waist.And not nobody in the back or any of the TTSWF officials can stop me BECAUSE THIS IS ONE FRANCHISE THAT CAN NOT BE BOUGHT!!!!!

(The Franchises music hits and he leaves to the boos of the fans who are still throwing garbage at him.)


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