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Date Posted: 11:12:13 10/28/99 Thu
Author: python
Subject: cupid that warehouse is the best home youll get in a long time

(python is sitting in a warehouse the warehouse is dark then u see to eyes the eyes glow more than anything else he walks out of the darkness u can hear sirens in the background they get closer and then u hear them skid and crash u then hear a door open men start walking over to python one of them starts to walk faster than the rest he has a pipe in his hand ,he hits python in the stomach python goes down he trys to fight back but the others are to strong they keep hitting him they look to be fans then one of them takes out a knife the one with the knife goes to stab python he lifts the knife up and then suddenly a flash of light happens and a man comes in from the darkness he hits the men over the head with a baseball bat python is seriosly injured the masked man kicks in the rest of the people he then takes out his mobile and phones the ambulance the masked man then runs into the darkness and the ambulance comes they lift python up on the stretcher and he gets taken away the camera man follows the ambulance in his car they get to the hospital and the camera man sees python in a bed he walks up to him he starts to talk)
cam man;python can we have a quick word about the attack
python;yeh if u must but make it quick
cam man; thanx so do u know who it was that saved u before
python;no i dont and if anyone knows who it is tell him there is a space in the revolution for someone like him he saved my ass earlier so he should join up with become a real team member be like a shooting star and dont feel the blast off like that other sucker cupid ,cupid now i can tell u what i was going to say before cupid i stayed in a warehouse last night and its the best youll ever get once we are finished with u because youll probaly have to go to a mental instution u son of a (then a nurse comes in and tells the camera man to get out and she slaps him the camera man turns and walks out the camera fades to black)

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