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Date Posted: 12:12:34 10/30/99 Sat
Author: The Franchise
Subject: The Franchise Vs Jobber-X

(The scene opens at a house show in some unknown town.The camera comes up behind The Franchise to hear him arguing with a TTSWF official back stage.)

Franchise:Just book me in a match tonight,this house show sucks and the fans need to be entertained.So far you have only put out jobbers like Jobby Jobs and Job Jobson.The fans want to see a star of main event calibur like me.

Official:There are only 5000 people out there.

Franchise:Yes,and those 5000 people will tell all there friends and soon over half the country will know what a crappy show this was.So put me in a match with whatever I know you only brought jobbers along and were not expecting me here,but I am sure I could carry a nobody through one match.

Official:Ok then you got it,you in a match tonight and I will fix you up with somebody.

Franchise:Now your making some sense.At least now the crowd will be entertained by one of the best wrestlers in the World.

(The scene then fades and reopens 30 minutes later.Some masked jobber is standing in the middle of the ring awaiting the arrival of The Franchise.Then suddenly the biggest fireworks display in the history of wrestling explodes on the ramp and The Franchise appears in the middle of it flexing his muscles.The women in the audience start whistling and blowing kisses to The Franchise.The Franchise then makes his way to the ring as the fireworks die down.)

Announcer:On his way to the rin..........

(The Franchise grabs the microphone off of the announcer and steps into the ring.He then raises the microphone to his lips as the crowd wait in anticapation.)


(The Franchise then lowers the micrphone and takes a breather.)

Franchise:Are you ready to be entertained?

(The crowd start screaming yes.)

Franchise:Then you are in for a treat as all of you 5000 people get to witness the unofficial debut of The Franchise.

(Crowd start screaming wildly as they did not expect The Franchise to be at the house show.)

Franchise:Now this debut will be a sure win for me as I am facing one of the lowliest people on the face of the Earth,he is a jobber,you do not get much lower than that.

(The jobber in the ring is offended by The Franchises words and sneaks up behind him.)

Franchise:You people are about to be entertained and I guarantee you that because I am ONE FRANCHISE THAT CA.........

(Before he can finish his line the jobber jumps him from from behind causing him to drop the microphone.The jobber then starts pounding away at The Franchise with lefts and rights.The jobber then places The Franchise firmly in the corner and gives him an Irish whip across the ring into another corner.The jobber then goes to follow up the whip with an avalanche but at the last second The Franchise moves out of the way and the jobber eats turn buckle.The jobber then bounces out of the corner dazed to be nailed with a vicious clothesline by The Franchise.The Franchise then goes for the cover.)

(The Franchise then picks his opponent back up before the 3 count and grabs the mirophone.)

Franchise:Now I could of finished this match right there but that would not be entertaining you would it.So to make this match more entertaining I am going to commentate as I wrestle.

(The Franchise then gets down to his knees and puts an armbar on his opponent.)

Franchise:Look at the pain on his face.That is the face Devon Storm will have on him this Tuesday.

(The Franchise then breaks the arm bar and tells the amateur ref to look the other way.The rookie ref does so and The Franchise knocks the jobber out with a microphone shot to the head.)

Franchise:And after I am done with that jobber Devon Storm I am going to move on to the so called World champ Brad Steele and knock him out just like this jobber.You can turn back around now ref.

(The ref turns around and The Franchise covers the jobber.)

(The Franchise again picks up the jobber before the 3.)

Franchise:No,I dont want it to end that way.How about we hae a finish that will blow the roof off of this place.Everyone prepare yourself for the most devastating finishing move in the buisness HIGH RATINGS.

(The Franchise then picks up the jobber and whips him to the ropes.The Franchise also goes to the ropes and meets the jobber in the middle with a swinging neck breaker(High Ratings)The Franchise then makes the cover on the jobber as the fans start chanting FRANCHISE.)

Franchise:The winner of this match is the one the only true superstar in the TTSWF The Franchise!

People you have just seen what a true superstar is.So go home and tell all your friends about the miracle that will save the TTSWF and tell them that the miracle is the one the only Franchise.Have a good night everybody!

(The Franchises music plays as he heads back stage to a standing ovation of a now entertained crowd.)


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