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Subject: Disney Princess

Dr. Shannon
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Date Posted: 22:53:42 05/10/13 Fri

Before reading the following material;
Please bear-to-mind that Feminism is being saturated in our daily lives.
It's the equivalent to Marxist Critical Theory.
However, in this case: we're dealing with The Media's relentless promotion of one-sided themes. They're always centered upon women; even though it's usually so claimed to merely empower her.
So, always keep this in mind.


Back when Disney's "Beauty & The Beast" was released; a key writer was outspoken on promoting a "new kind of woman".
"Smart, Self-sufficient, outspoken, well-educated"...
Ask yourself: Was this really appropriate?
Did we really need to hear the same redundant routine about "a new woman"?
Needless to say: we've already heard this routine countless times before.
But, the writer insisted that Disney's latest character, Belle, represented an intelligent modern woman.
Now, with those typical words;
Is this really fair?
Are you really promoting gender equity?
Or, is this just another example of Special Interest.

And: Why is she claiming to promote something new?
There's nothing unique about promoting anthems for women.
Nothing whatsoever.
So, why must we hear the same redundant story?
NOTE: I'm not really sure whether the outspoken female worker was Head Writer, or a leading staff writer.

Now, let's consider how many times Our Media has repeated the same Dogma regarding Modern Women?

In fact, The Disney Channel has been tarnished by Radical Feminism. Have you ever seen programs such as "That's So Raven"? Or, how about, the Documentary "This was America: 1968".
This corroborates my theories which claim that radical feminism has infiltrated every sector of life.
There's nothing which hasn't been tarnished by Women's Groups.
But, let's discuss the broader issue at a later date.

Getting back to Disney.
I remember when their film "Tangled" was released. And, a spokeswoman announced that Disney would no longer be making these types of films. She so-stated that Disney would retire the Princess Theme, because it was "sexist".
Okay; Now here's a big question:
If she thinks that Disney films are "sexist"; What the hell is she doing working there? Seriously. If she really hates Disney Fairy Tales, then why work there in the first place.

For that matter: Never mind the fact that Girls prefer The Disney Princess Theme.
The latest "scandal" pertains to a recent drawing of Merida from Disney's "The Brave". It was a normal, average picture of a less militarized character. But, it's created a huge uproar.
Am I missing something here?
Did I see something wrong?
If you ask me: I think, you're just shoving another phony issue down our throat.
....But, now that you mention it: The Disney Pixar's "The Brave" is not a realistic depiction.
It's almost as if, the Liberal Writers are shoving Feminism down our throats.
THey treat this as if, it's some sort of game.
Now, don't get me wrong.
I wouldn't necessarily be opposed to an occasional role of this nature.
But surely, there's no reason to completely toss the longstanding Disney formula.
I'll also mention; that Left-Winged Extremists have no problem promoting weaponry, warfare, and violence ....
....so long as the characters are women.

(On similar terms:
The mainstream media follows this ridiculous standard when glorifying "women on the battlefield".
So, what's my position on this issue?
...Actually, go fight our wars, ladies.

for office use only:
here are a few interesting comments regarding the subject.

You people really need to stop playing these redundant games. Ask yourself: How many times has the media pandered to women? Too many times to count. These stories are senselessly manufactured. "A Strong, confident Woman". Yea, we've heard that line A MILLION times before. In fact, this has been the usual routine. ------

(this comment pertains to a recent article which "put women into an uproar".
Hey people; I've got an idea: Let's fabricate some story which gives Boys some reason to be "outraged". Instead of constantly giving the spotlight to girls; lets snap out of that habit. No really. Think about it. Consider how many times The Media has pandered to girls. It's all too redundant. And, the true goal here is to break down the Family structure in western Society.
At a minimum:
Feminism & Journalism DON'T MIX.
It's NOT professional.

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