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Subject: the honor roll

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Date Posted: 20:19:43 01/15/17 Sun

this is a list of sites being given consideration for this page.

"Youtube politics".

"Chapin's Inferno"
it's a Men's Rights Site.
So, this channel already appears on many of our Men's pages
"Introduction to Men's Issues".

for the longest time, I was reluctant to include this page, because it's unmistakably conservative.
Obviously, I didn't want this Youtube Politics to be a representative of one singular viewpoint. BUT, this Steven Crowder is certainly worthy.

there's an interesting channel Adam Kokesh.
He's essentially an Anarchist.

The first time I watched Mark Dice, I definitely wanted to add it to this Youtube Politics list.

David seaman is a worthwhile channel

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[> Subject: The Greatest Channel ever (inactive)

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Date Posted: 20:47:39 01/15/17 Sun

the greatest channel ever is PJ Media.
PJTV will always be the greatest channel ever.
but unfortunately, it's no longer active.
and, you should still watch their older videos.
In a sense, BillWhittleChannel is the replacement.

another fantastic channel is HowTheWorldWorks.
But, it's mostly inactive.
Obviously, I didn't want this Youtube Politics to be a representative of one singular viewpoint. BUT,

another fantastic channel is HowTheWorldWorks.
But, it's mostly inactive.