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Subject: INK JET concentrate Manufacturer ariel@refillkit.com.ar

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Date Posted: 09:44:49 04/18/06 Tue

INK JET concentrate Manufacturer ariel@refillkit.com.ar


We can offer you our product, RFKT CONCENTRATE BASE 4000, in BLACK color, with only water and UNDER OUR INSTRUCTIONS, you will be able to manufacture your ink for any cartridges brand (HP - LEXMARK - CANON - EPSON - XEROX).

The RFKT CONCENTRATE BASE 4000 is a chemical mixture of high quality, manufactured by experts in the matter, with the aditionals of only water and one filter easy purchase, you can obtain production of ink, only mixing and without any machine needed.

WITH EACH 1 LITER of this product, you will be able to produce 4 LITERS OF INK, reducing costs in shipping, taxes and volumens.

RFKT CONCENTRATE BASE 4000 Price is U$S 24- FOR LITER and the minimum purchase is 10 LITERS.

If you are outside Argentina and are interested in distributing our products, this can be an excellent possibility to begin. With 10 Liters of RFKT CONCENTRATE BASE 4000 , you will be able to manufacture 40 Liters of Ink for HP - EPSON - LEXMARK - CANON - XEROX. With only water and one filter of easy purchase in any city - you will be able to manufacture. The necessary support will be offer by us.

If you are interested in this product, send us an e-mail to ariel@refillkit.com.ar www.refillkit.com.ar MSN ariel@refillkit.com.ar

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