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Date Posted: 14:38:22 06/10/01 Sun
Author: Untamed Nightmare
Subject: *Smiles, glad to finally see a female dragon with real beauty. A rare dragon(or as some of you call "girl" dragons dragoness).
In reply to: Dangerous Mist 's message, "*the dragoness flies in, knowing she is unusual from the rest*" on 21:55:22 06/09/01 Sat

*He walks over, red wings tucks and wounded chest, scarred side and a wound above his eye. He is resting from the battle. he snorts softly a gentle mist of flames and then rests on all fours.* Welcome mist. I'd be delighted to have you live here. *Breathes in deeply with a raspy edge.* I'm glad to have another addition to my evil clan.

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[> [> *blushes* "No, I am not beautiful. I am too humble to think that, but thank you." -- Mist, 22:30:29 06/10/01 Sun

*looks at the dragon's scars and wounds*
"I see you are at battle, m'lord. If you need any assistance, I will help. I am actually a very good fighter and flier for my kind, and I have some advantages."
*suddenly, her scales turn almost completely transparent, nothing showing but her light, light blue eyes(its not a power - its in my book, and its a trait of cloud dragons)*
"But, I would like to start construction on my lair, so if you dont mind..."
*reappears, her scales a gray and white color, and her eyes still blue*
"M'lord, if you ever need me, please just call for me. My home is the sky, and I can always be found there. I shall return shortly."
*bows to him, and flies up into the sky, finding the right cloud to build her lair, but glances at him one last time before she begins to work*

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[> [> [> (OOC: sorry i posted before but my msg didn't appear) welcome, my names is Eldritch. *she smiles* -- Eldritch, 11:37:57 06/11/01 Mon

>*looks at the dragon's scars and wounds*
>"I see you are at battle, m'lord. If you need any
>assistance, I will help. I am actually a very good
>fighter and flier for my kind, and I have some
*suddenly, her scales turn almost completely
>transparent, nothing showing but her light, light blue
>eyes(its not a power - its in my book, and its a trait
>of cloud dragons)*
>"But, I would like to start construction on my
>lair, so if you dont mind..."
*reappears, her scales a gray and white color, and
>her eyes still blue*
>"M'lord, if you ever need me, please just call for
>me. My home is the sky, and I can always be found
>there. I shall return shortly."
*bows to him, and flies up into the sky, finding
>the right cloud to build her lair, but glances at him
>one last time before she begins to work*

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[> [> [> [> *returns to the mainland, but hovers over the land, not touching the ground* -- Mist, 20:21:55 06/11/01 Mon

"Thank you for your welcome, m'queen."
*bows deeply*
"If you ever need me for anything, just call for me. I live at Storm Cloud, my lair up in the clouds. Or, feel free to visit me whenever you desire. I must be off, m' queen. I must plot revenge for my sister and brother."
*suddenly, her body becomes cloud-like, but still vaguely visible, as she flies up to her home: the sky*

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