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Subject: Children and teens subjected to pelvic procedures to help for behavior problems | |
Author: Knut Holt | [ Next Thread |
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] Date Posted: 00:51:32 08/03/17 Thu Behavior Problems in Children and Teens Treated with Pelvic Procedures By Knut Holt In certain medical and educational subcultures around the world, there seems to be a working hypotesis that behavior and diplin problems in children and teens are cause by anatomical and functional problems in the pelvic organs and lower stomach area. Acordingly kids that show such problems are subjected to extensive examinations and adhustment procedures in the pelvic region combined with psychological assessments and treatment. The prosedural plan these kids go through generally conist of these steps: - Continual recording of behavior and habits in the school, child protective institution or other institution holding the kid. - A thorrough psychological assessment - A general physical exam - A thorroigh pelvic exam, often under deep sedation or general anesthesia, comprizing endoscopic and radiological inspection in the urinary system, genitals, rectum, colon and pelvic musculoscheletal structure. - Sometimes a period in an intensive care unit after the pelvic exam where the kid is held deply sedated. - Anatomical adjustments in the pelvic region, often repeated periodically throughout the childhood and teenhood. - Psychiatric medication. I have a long time performed investigation about ordeals happening to people in medical settings, and I uncovered this type of ordeal through these investigations. I use polls where people tell thei stories for these investigations. This is a typical story about this type of treatment for behavior problems: ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- Boy, 12 yo, USA, having Extensive pelvic exam and correction porcedure due to behavior problems I am male. It happened in North America. 1970-1979, 12 years old. My parents thought I had some behavior problems and my mother had discussed this with one or two of her close friends. I went to a private boarding school during the week days but returned to my home every two weekends. My school reported some bad events with me. I learned that those friends of my mother had taken their son to a private clinic for an exam and that their boys were better behaved and some bad traits were gone. The cost was minimal except for the medicines and the doctor was happy to help with young boys conduct and problem areas. I was not told I would be there two days but loaded up despite my protest for the exam. I found out later that my mother had been told by the doctor to only tell me I was going to have a physical check up. I was completely unaware of what was going to happen. My parents drove me to the exam, at a special establishment used for these type of exams for hildren with some kind of unusual bahavior or interests or children in foster care homes or the like or possibly Other selection criteria. OVERVIEW OF THE PREPARATIONS AND ANESTHESIA: I was not allowed to eat ome time before the exam. They washed my body before the exam. My stomach was cleaned out by a tube incerted into my anus that was connected to some pump and flush mashine. I was given a gown but was naked under the gown in the time I stayed awake. They placed me upon an advanced surgical table. I was placed to lay on my back with steight legs. I got IVs, tubes into blood vessels, in an arm. I got a device on a finger or a toe to measure pulse and oxygen in my blood. I got a blood pressure monitor wrapped around an arm or a toe. I got electrodes on my cheast. I got electrodes on my stomach or hip region. I got anesthesia through tubes into my blood vessels. I got some numbing and lubricating cream injected into my urinary opening. I got some numbing and lubricating cream injected into my anus. The anesthesia made me sleep mostly, but I woke up occationally. I woke up ocationally during the procedure despite anesthesia given. MORE ABOUT THE PREPARATIONS AND ATHESTHESIA: My mother had made the appointment and I was not allowed to eat or drink anything after my evening meal. I lived in the upper mid west and the clinic was in the town near where I lived but it was a long drive. The clinic was a normal building with doctors names posted. The doctor talked to my mother and assured her that they would take care of me and would call when time to get me. I was not very cooperative and the doctor gave me a glass of water and two big pills which I was made to to swallow. My mother left and I was taken to a small room where some normal eyes, ears, mouth exams were done and then I suppose I became more cooperative after a short while. I guess the pills I took were making me happy. I was required to strip naked but given a hospital gown that fastened with a string at the back. I was led by hand down a long hall by a nurse wearing only my gown and some paper slippers. All my clothes and shoes were placed in a big plastic bag. I had those happy pills and was cooperating. I was hooked up to heart monitor and the IV started. I became very sleepy and I had trouble to focus and felt limp on the exam table. I felt them rubbing lubricate on my penis and my anus and then some cold lubricant going up into my urethra and anus but I was very sleepy by that time. I was on my back and my arms were stretched straight back over my head and I felt my legs being spread apart and I think that was when my gown was removed. EXAMINATIONS WITH EXTERNAL EQUIPMENT: They examined my stomach area with and ultrasound device or something similar. They examined my hip area with an ultrasound device or something similar. They examined arms and legs with an ultrasound device or something similar. They took stomach x-ray pictures. They used electrodes at my chest to record body functions. They used electrodes at my belly to record body functions. They had electrodes at my genitals to record functions in this area. INTERNAL INSPECTIONS: They ispected the inside of my nose with a scope. They inspected the inside of my throut with a scope. They took specimens from my throut with a tube. I cannot many details about the internal inspections. I could only remember some things going on as I was mostly asleep but from time to time I could feel pressure in my stomach area and I do recall somewhat devices inserted into my rectum and felt like being pumped up. Also, because of the numbing liquids were not fully effective at the start I realized something was being inserted into my urethra. I recall the male attendant telling another person to hold me down and for me to be a good boy and not fight the things going on. I guess I was not a completely happy 12 you boy and felt like I was being hurt. I realized that my feet had been raised up and fastened wide apart. At times feel my anus being stretched wider with some device and that motor noise from something near. I think I must have been waking up and then I saw them put something in my IV and then everything went black and I do not know what happened after that. ARRANGEMENT AFTER THE EXAM: I had IVs into blood vessels. I had electrodes on my body. I had catheter into my bladder. I had a tube going in through my anus. I lay naked under a blanket after the exam. I do not know how long I was unconscious but as I began to awake I knew I had a tube up into my urethra and something very large stretching my anus and that it hurt. I was strapped down on the exam table with my feet fastened quite far upward in the supports. I could see the monitor at my head and there was a male nurse or attendant moving around my table. He saw me moving and said I had been a ""good boy"" and to lay still for a while. Nothing was being removed and the doctor will come soon to check on me. I only had a cover over my upper body. I remained on that exam table for a long time with a bright light shining on me. I felt there were some electrical connections still stuck on my upper body and down on my lower belly. There was some wires tight even down on my privates. I was groggy and wanted some water but he told me I could not have any yet and my throat hurt so much I could only talk with a raspy voice. I told the man that my butt hole hurt bad and he had a big grin and softly laughed and said it would be better soon but did not do anything. A doctor finally came and pushed around a lot on my stomach and lower belly and I felt him examining my penis and testicles and adjusting things. He pulled a several glass like dishes from the instrument table looked at them and told the other to label it and send the tissue and specimens off to the lab. I was finally unfastened and things began to be removed except for the tube in my penis. My legs ached and were numb and my stomach hurt and felt puffed up. I was rolled away and taken to another room. I was confined on another bed with side rails and I had straps across my chest that I could not unfasten. I wanted to go home but was told I would not leave until the next day after I was examined again and then they would call my mother to come and take me home. I finally got some water from a straw but had to take another pill. I was told I would get some liquid food in a while. I had to swallow some more pills and went off to sleep for a while but would waken up but no one was in the room. I did see a monitor so I guess my body was being checked. I kept the catheter in me until the next day or perhaps longer because I lost track of time.t I do not know much about what else happened in that room until the the medicines wore off. My anus hurt for more than a week after I was released. I know I just wanted to go home but they were not letting me go and kept giving me some pills I think to relax me. Before I left I got some shots in my arm and bottom and mom had to get some medicine from the drug store for me to take. THE SCHOOL I ATTENDED: I attended private boarding school. The school was just a small private boarding school for boys ages 6 to 16. We slept in rooms separated by age. I was in the 11 - 13 yo boys. The school was strict but with good teachers but demanding on conduct and school work. I only recall one other boy being taken away for a couple of days for what was posted as a physical exam. That boy was 10 and not in my classes and was not in school after that school session. I know he had some bad behavior events. We wore uniforms but it was not really bad or extreme. I suppose I was too active and not the best example of an almost teen boy. I was better after I returned to school. COMMENTS: It seems that the boy had an exam to check all details of his debelopment and pubertal status to plan a medication regime for behavior management. It also seems that they checked or abnormal properties in his urinary system, genitals, anus, rectum and colon that could explain certain behavior problems, and that they made some corrections by small surgical interventions and stretching of the structures. It also appears that the clinic performed some research on the kids and got money from some other place for that research, and that the tissue samples were for this research. The exam seemed to follow a standardized procedure that is used on kids all over the world. In some comunities or institutions for kids this procedure seems to be mandatory for all kids. In others for kids with certain problems. 6-7yo, 12-24 yo, and 15-17 yo seems to be the standard ages for this procedure. Edited by Knut Holt [ Next Thread | Previous Thread | Next Message | Previous Message ] |