Date Posted:10:39:50 05/23/17 Tue Author: what fairy fucked behind folly fae fartins back. lol Subject: Re: Gary Allan In reply to:
The queen of country!
's message, "Re: Gary Allan" on 09:29:44 05/23/17 Tue
It posted that he texted her he couldn't stop thinking of her Lol. Guess that's what hip bolts do to a perverted shank whore
>Oklahoma white trash trailer trash kiddie whore molly
>Mae lol martin...from Moore ok the armpit of America!
>!!! Lol. Maybe if were lucky hell marry the lovely
>>Here's Gary Allan herzbergs "love interest"
>>lololoool. This is what the 50 year old pervert is
>>shacked up with on walnut Dr Hendersonville ttn. Where
>>the fuck is this skanks daddy? Does it even know who
>>he is?
>>It didn't go to college but it knows how to lay on its
>>back 😀😀😀😀👮
>>>Just so you know dumb bitch ...he called me
>>>did ignorant whore hes bored with you but I dont want
>>>him cause he licked your skanky pussy.
>>>I heard waffle house donelson is hiring
>>>>>Lol. Folly got left behind the last two weekends
>>>>>lnfao. He finally figured out the dumb airheaded
>>>>>is a liability Lol. What took you so long
>>>>>Dumbfuck hasn't been taking it on the road. Lets
>>>>>how long this spineless fuck takes to dump this
>>>>>Sooooo uncool its UN fuckin real. I can't believe
>>>>>>ever thought this mother fuckin idiot was cool.
>>>>>>Peace out
>>>>>>ight now.
>>>>>>>Look at the other youtubes from mollymae1091
>>>>>>>its bd Mr wtf not under 30)
>>>>>>>>What Gary Allan is living with in front of his
>>>>>>>>girls and granddaughter
>>>>>>>>>>Gary Allan has this okie trailer trash living
>>>>>>>>>>house right now in front of his girls and
>>>>>>>>>>granddaughter and has off and on for the last
>>>>>>>>>>years. He cheats on it mercilessly and
>>>>>>>>>>pursue me behind its back. You think youre
>>>>>>>>>>on here n give me dating advice? Step the
>>>>>>>>>>dumb bitch. Seriously
>>>>>>>>>>Scroll down and read dumbfuck
>>>>>>>>>>>This 50 yearvold is shacked up with a 24 year
>>>>>>>>>>>>been fucikin since its gold digger shit hole
>>>>>>>>>>>>let it fuck it
>>>>>>>>>>>>And you seriously gonna try to come on this
>>>>>>>>>>>>Step the fuck off faggit bitch. Seriously
>>>>>>>>>>>>u obviously haven't done your homework dumb
>>>>>>>>>>>>>who can't even form a sentence. Gary Allan
>>>>>>>>>>>>>pedophile cause he pick ed up 19 year old
>>>>>>>>>>>>>trash okie whorre molly Mae martin who
>>>>>>>>>>>>>Why are y'all saying Gary Allan is a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>am I missed by here. I would assume if
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>age difference and the gf is dating him
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>relationship will fizzle. A 50 yr old man
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>in common with a 30 year old. Life
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>interests, and communication just is not
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>sure Gary Allan cannot hold a solid
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>30 year old women. So quit whining. If
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Gary Allan on a first date or concert, he
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>call back, that is on you. It appears Gary
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>the type of guy who needs a good chase,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>that will put out. Give him hell and it
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>interest. Learn to play the cat and mouse
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>human nature.