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Date Posted: 04:19:15 07/23/01 Mon
Author: Male and Female
Subject: Two horses trot in>>>

Randy tells the female to move her tail.

Horny moves her tail.

Randy leapes forward, mounting the mare..

Horny whickers, and nickers, saying she wants it hard and rough!

Rancdy rams his cock in her, humping her so hard that her hooves come off the ground sometimes..

Horny whinnys and humps into him backwards till his whole dick was inside her!

Randy shoved his dick in till his balls slapped her teat then they were pulled into the mares ass as well.

She snorted in pain and her arse started to swell up with his dick!

He arse stared to cum and bleed, swelling up. Wickedly Randy told Horny to run, biting her hocks..

She ran, almost screaming in pain..

With a final effort Randy ripped out his dick and stood there panting..

She collpased.

He licked her pussy and arse clean then lay down, hooves inbetween hers, his pouch hanging above her pussy..

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Nine months later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

She screamed and gave birth eventually to 3 foals. A colt, filly and another colt.

He smiled and nuzzled them all...

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