TradeNET (Panasonic TH42PD60U - 4 Sale)
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Date Posted: 12:36:51 10/13/06 Fri
Effective: 10-12-06 @ 4:00 p.m. PDST
Subject To Change Without Notice Being Given
New and fantastic update on the Panasonic Plasma TV's.
Minimum of 10 [ten] TV's; Suggested retail is somewhere between $3999.00 to $4399.00.
Right now you cannot afford NOT to consider this offering!
Your cost, each, was $1480.00, AND with NO STATE TAX, as long as we pick up the TV's from our California distributor and deliver them to you either within the Southern California and Southern Nevada areas.
The updated cost we just received a short while ago was presented to us because of one of our local clients will be buying 1000 of these TV's, your cost now is $1000.00 each, with a minimum of 10 [ten] bought, you save an additional $480.
Again, standard shipping by truck anywhere within the US is $249.00 each TV unit, plus the cost of the TV's, and general shipping time line is 5 to 9 business days, shipped individually. A minimum of 10 [ten] TV's the shipping, cargo insurance, handling comes to $2490.00, plus the TV cost. Now, if you are interested in buying 10 [ten] of these TV's, we will pick up and deliver those TV's into the local Southern California and local Southern Nevada areas, and with no more than 3 stops.
There is a saving if we pick up and deliver those 10 [ten] TV's of $1275.00 off standard shipping costs. Our local shipping and handling costs per 10 [ten] TV's is $1215.00.
No inside delivery nor do we offer unpacking services.
Delivery can be made to receiving area, garage or to the front door of your residence.
Besides the cost of the TV's and issuing a cashier's check for $10000.00, instead of the prior quote of $14800.00, payable to Bruce Barlow or Marilyn Nayar, we will need your wire transfer, business and/or personal check, or cash, for the new lower cost of $11215.00.
The deliveries must be completed within 24 hours after initial pick up has been made.
Remember, the new lower total cost is $11215.00.
Over all savings off the lower end of the retail cost of TV's, plus cargo shipping and insurance, you and can save plenty, and it breaks down as 10 [ten] TV's at $3999.00, or $39,990.00, the standard shipping still is $2490.00, total of $42480.00.
Savings when buying through us was $26465.00, and now reflects a savings of $31265.00.
Please get back with Marilyn and Bruce after you have shared this new information with your family, neighbors, co-workers, church members and all those within your sphere of influence.
All offers are subject to change without any notice being given, so be sure to contact us before sending us any money.
C.O.D. [Collect on Delivery] is NOT available or an option.
Remember, all that is required is for you to buy a minimum of 10 [ten] of these Plasma TV units. Full warranties apply.
Thanks and best regards,
Marilyn Nayar and Bruce Barlow
Business Trade Consultants
4015 South Buffalo Drive # 305
Las Vegas, Nevada USA 89147-7455
Added thoughts to consider when buying in bulk, 100 units or more. Obviously, we need your name, physical delivery address, telephone, telefax, city, state, zip code and your email address.
Payment methods. Wire transfer is the best and fastest mean possible to make full payment on the goods and the logistical transportation costs, which also means that your goods will be sent to you almost immediately. You could use PayPal, but that would cost you more [about 2.9% more, or roughly $2,900.00 more], and we do not recommend that payment method. It is not cost effective to use PayPal. You could also send us your cashier's check, payable to either Bruce Barlow or Marilyn Nayar, and you can then sent that payment to our post, noted below, by overnight express service. Those payment choices are yours to use.
The inventory and firm quote on the Panasonic TH42PD60U Plasma TV's, 100 units, will personally be inspected [outside inspection of the boxes], counted and verified to be damage free from the Los Angeles warehouse shipping point, by Bruce Barlow, and, the units will be visually watched while the loading takes place.
The personal service and attention is always provided by us on purchases of 100 units or more to insure your trust and confidence in us [TradeNET] and our distributors, who will be shipping under our name to your final destination delivery address. The 100 units will fit on one 45 foot dry box trailer.
Just in case you want to fill out a complete trailer, we believe that you can get 160 to about 165 of these units on one 45 foot dry box trailer, should you wish to purchase more. The unit cost and the shipping would of course be more than is noted below.
Upon the complete loading of the truckload, you will be notified as to the service carrier by email and you are informed as to the goods anticipated arrival date. Multiple drops or stops will of course have a different time tables than a straight through shipping to your final designated delivery address.
The shipping would be by common carrier from Los Angeles, California to your destination facility or any other destination point of your choice if different, but within the United States, except for Alaska and Hawaii. If you should wish to have multiple drop ships, we would need the same physical information as is noted above for each stop. We would need to know the total number of stops, including final destination, so that we can apply appropriate stop charges, should you wish to exercise this option.
By way as an example, say you buy 100 of the Panasonic TH42PD60U Plasma TV's, the cost each is $1000.00, or a sub-total cost for the TV units of $100,000.00. The shipping, handling and full cargo insurance is $249.00 for each unit, or a sub-total of $24,900.00. Your final total, on 100 units, is $124,900.00.
Please touch base with us with your follow up and interests on method of payment. Once we have your confirmation, funds in place, within 24 hours of receipt, your goods will be shipped. We are not interested in correcting mistakes or misunderstandings and that is why we go the extra mile so as to speak, to insure, that your order and what you want is just that and nothing else. We want to make sure that you are pleased with your order[s] for continued future business activities with us and our distributors.
Therefore, to insure your confidence and trust with us and our distributors, and that is why we have "cut and pasted" herein below, the detailed description of the Panasonic TH42PD60U Plasma TV's to make sure that this product line is what you want and that you are paying for exactly what you are ordering. Should you be interested in utilizing a 53 foot dry box trailer[s] to make sure maximize all the TV units obtainable that can fit into this trailer size, you have this option as well.
If you have any questions or need clarification on any subject matter, do not hesitate to ask, please address those inquiries to Marilyn or Bruce. We look forward to working with your group in the very near future, and for future business activities.please do not hesitate to ask. We look forward to the handling of your 100 TV units in the shortest timeline possible. Have a great day.
Specifications for Panasonic TH-42PD60U/P 42" Plasma
The realism of a TV image is strongly linked to its contrast ratio, and this plasma features a high contrast ratio of up to 10,000:1.
Such a wide range from black to white means great depth and dimensionality with vibrant colors and this plasma can display an incredible 29 billion colors for a superior picture.
TV Type Plasma
Screen Size 42"
Aspect Ratio 4:3
Audio Type Surround
Remote Control Yes
Parental Control Yes
Sleep Timer Yes
Energy Efficient Yes
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