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Pelly Levinson
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Date Posted: 23:51:23 04/14/18 Sat


A lexicon about herbs that can increase sexual pleasure and potency for men and women and presentation of products made of such herbs:


Sexual pills, salves, tools and toys for men and women. Pills and topical salves to intensify and enlarge libido, ecstasy, mental and physical pleasure, orgasms. Pills and salves to strengthen, stabilize and enlarge male erections, female engorgement and genital functions of males and females. Tools to make the penis or female breasts greater, firmer and more regular.


Effective rejuvenation and slimming drugs. Rejuvenate your skin, your inner organs, your sexual abilities, your condition, your mental status and your body shape. Get rid of unwanted body fat and get back hair on the head.



Remote control airplanes, helicopters, drones cars, boats. Also science kits, magic sets, elecetronic lab kits, airsoft guns, and much more



Car parts and tour comodities for affordable prices: GSM navigators and trackers, seat covers, mats, suspension parts, lights and lanterns, wheel and brake parts, motor parts, gearbox and transmission, fuel line, exhaust system, electric system, car video and autdio, vehicle security and more:



Selected high quality electronic equipment, including professional webcams, Alienware gaming PCs and electronic hobby and experiment building kits:



Help against common health problems, including edema, hemorrhoids, constipation, hypothyroidism, over-weight, urinary tract infection, PMS, rostata issues, weak heart and circulation, arthritis, fibromyalgia, yeast infection, cold and flu, asthma, allergies, hay fever, acne, rosacea, vitiligo, eczema, depression, poor memory and concentration, brittle bones and more



Nice jewelry and quality watches made of diamonds, rubys, sapphires, opals, clear and colored quartz, gold, silver, platina and many other noble materials.



Interesting polls about events in childhood, teenhood and adulthood

Please also look at this website with interesting information for men and women about metods to get good health, condition, physical strength, beauty and potency



You can use these polls to tell your own history or the history of someone you know about. If the lonks are not active, please copy them and use them in the address fields of your browser.

Extended, mandatory well-child examination under anesthesia - where the kid undergo endoscopic inspections in the intimate zone and other body areas, extensive ultrasound inspections, ex-rays of several body zones, intrusive specimen collection and body function testings:



Poll about cystoscopy or bladder inspections in kids and adults:



Secret, intimate, intrusive medical exams and procedures under anesthesia on kids and adults:



Called in for a strange physical or psycological exam:



Alien abduction - investigation of memories of alien abduction or similar events, like abduction for surveillance and experimentation by governments or mafias



Americans- please tell in my unbiased poll who you would vote for if rhe presidential election was today



All the polls also have a message board. The individual stories of each participant will be published here. Here you can add comments or ask questions.

Knut Holt




The Witch Hunt against Trump and His Administration

Let it be clear from the beginning: Trump is not the person best to have in the position he got elected to, and so would neither Hillary Clinton have been. Still the election of Donald Trump seems to threaten seriously a class of abusers and exployers that have taken control of most affair and assets within USA and the rest of the Western world and use it all for own gratification and economical gain, which has made them initiate a massive process to remove Trump from his position and install an obediant servant. In this process masses of ordinary pople, ignorant of the deeper objectives of this feudal class, are lured to act as foot soldiers.

Donald Trump calls the play going on against him as the greatest witch hunt in American history. Any person that has the ability to observe and analyze understands that Trump is right. What is going on is a centrally planned, orchestrated and choreographed process going on among politicians, the services of the state and the media to tople Trump and his administration from their positions and replaceing them with something different not revealed to the public.

Furthermore one uses all psychological methods in the book to lure the common public to take part in this conspiracy.

One part of the tectics is to disturbe Trump and his administration as much as possible practically and psychologically so that he makes failures and even begin to behave like a madman. An then thay can point at him and claim that he is not mentally sane and must therefore be replaced.

The process is not only going on in USA, but extends to the allies of USA like France, UK, Germany and Norway.

Trump is perhaps not the best fit man for the job he has. Even if this might be the fact, this conspiracy is a threat against the democracy itself and against the freedom of the common man and woman. The aim is to replace a democratically elected American precident, perhaps not quite ideal, with something far more dangerous. In the next face the aim is to achieve something similar in the allies of USA, including UK, Germany, France, Norway and others.

What we see is a battle in a long term process of replaceing democracy and personal freedom with the dictatorship of the deep states, in USA and the allies of USA.

Those rolling out this process see Trump as a threat to their long term plans and they are determined to get rid of him for that reason.

By Knut Holt




Unmarked Governmental Vans Engaged in Child and Teen trafficking

By Knut Holt


Unmarked vans owned by the government are steadily more often seen at roads in USA and other coutries.

These have generally blackened windows and it is generally unable to look into them, except to some degree at the drivers cabin and in that cabin nothing especially interesting is to be seen, except that the driver and helpers wear some sort of military-like outfit, but with a neutral look.

Some of these are heavy duty vans, and are obviously transporting some material, possibly nuclear equipment for the military forces.

But the most interesting of these are trucks of a more moderate size, that usually drive in small columns. By appearance these seem more suited for transportation of people than technical equipment. The car models and the outfit of the cars are typicallly the same as that of ambulances.

The trucks may in fact be some kind of camoufaged ambulances, and if so, the persons being transported are most probably children or teenagers which are held deeply sedated or under general anesthesia. The child protective system each day transport children taken from parents to secret places, and this is a possible method of doing so.

They might also carry children taken hold of to use them as guinea pigs in governmental projects.

They might be young people having been declared braid dead, but with still living bodies, and possibly still living brains to, and are under transport to some clearing central for distribution of organs.

They might be children and teens being transported this way to governemental correction facilities or mental hospitals where they will be held secretly for a specific time.

Some of these trucks are possibly owned and operated by the National Guard, but still the National Guard may be on some mission for other governmental bodies, like the CPS or jouvenile correction system. Services like national guards and the like in any ountry tend to do services for other bodies when these other bodies require some security transportation service or the like.

This is a common feature in any society. You use your resources for several purposes, and especially security services work on orders from several other agencies, and especially agenies like child protective agenies or the like.

By Knut Holt

By the way. a lot of good advices about health, fitness and sexuality


Interesting polls about events in childhood, teenhood and adulthood

Collected, edited and analyzed by Knut Holt


Please also see his website with interesting information about alternative treatments, fitness and sex



You can use these polls to tell your own history or the history of someone you know about.

Alien abduction - investigation of memories of alien abduction or similar events

Memories of events that may be interpreted as alien abduction are quite common. Some may be from real abduction by non-human beings coming in strange flying vehicles.

Others may be actions done by governmental agencies or mafias for various purposes that have some of the same type of details.

Often one does not remember the abduction as such, but one remembers only some loose details during some kind of ordeal one has been subjected to.

I have made a poll to investigate these memories. If you have experienced something of the kind, please go to the poll and answar. All the answars will be lain out in the massage forum of the poll to be commented further upon.

The address of the poll:



Extended mandatory well-child examination under anesthesia:

In certain areas the health authorities has begun to subject children and teens to extended well-child physicals where one performs several or all of the following procedures: inspections with optical scopes through all or several body openings,ultrasound examinations of most body structures, x-ray taking of joints, EEG and EKG. The kid is often given sedation or even general anesthesia during these extended physicals to make the kid cooperative and to hinder him or her from remembering. Still the kid will remember a lot of details around the procedures and sometimes also from the procedures themselves, because anesthesia never works perfectly, and the kid will always have some symptoms afterwards that tell a lot of what has been done. This poll has the aim of investigating experiences from such ordeals.



Poll about cystoscopy:

By cystoscopy the doctor looks into your bladder with a long instrument. This instrument can be rigid like a stick or flexible. All age groups have cystoscopies. In some comunities a cystoscopy seem to be a mandatory exam at some ages of children and teens. These communities are probably not many yet, but this type of exam seem to increase in frequency, both for special purposes and for mandatory or recomended screening. This poll has the purpose of establishing a picture of the frequence of this type of exam in different age groups and the arrangements during the exam.



Secret medical exams and procedures under anesthesia:

There is growing indices pointing to a practice of doing secret exams and procedures on both children and adults in addition to the thing they are under anesthesia for. Such ordeals may be done for research, for trainging of medical students, ordered by child protective agencies, ordered by school health service, ordered by police or asked for by parents or relatives. This poll is to find out how common signs of such secret ordeals having been done are. This poll has beenlaunched in several sesseions.



Called in for a strange physical or psycological exam:

There is growing indices pointing to a practice of doing secret exams and procedures on both children and adults in addition to the thing they are under anesthesia for. Such ordeals may be done for research, for trainging of medical students, ordered by child protective agencies, ordered by school health service, ordered by police or asked for by parents or relatives. This poll is to find out how common signs of such secret ordeals having been done are.


All the polls also have a message board. The individual stories of each participant will be published here. Here you can add comments or ask questions.

Knut Holt


Please also see his website with interesting information about alternative treatments, fitness and sex



Freedom-threatening Medicalization of the Schools Children and Teens Attend

Steadily more authorities governing any country push an aganda with the purpose of conforming the bodily development, the bahavior, the mental capacities, the feelings and the behavior of children within certain strict standards.

Authorities also steadily more show a an exaggerated fear for all kind of contagious diseases that they push to counteract with any means possible.

To meat these objectives, all countries in the world are gradually transforming the schools that the children attend into hospital-like units There the children are subjected to a thight program of psychological, psychiatric and somatic examinations and adjustments, for a great deal also very intimate and intrusive ordeals.

This medicalization program is coordinated internationally, and departments within the United Nations, like Unesco and WHO are centrals that largely define objectives, standards for this enterprize, and coordinate the whole as a wirldwide project.

This development has of cource not come equally long all places, and certain commuities or schools are selected as pioneering sites for the development. Surprizingly certain private school systems, like the Montessori schools are more often used as such avanguardistic sites than public schools.

There are or course certain wellmeant deeper objectives behind this movement, but a central and clandestine objective is to controle most of the populations in all thinkable ways so that they can serve, and not be a threat, to a small global elite that owns most of the properties of the world and have all kind of freedoms that the majority does not have. Another clandestine objective is to ensure proffit for the World's medico-pharmaceutical industrial complex.

The school medicalization must therefore be seen am element in a developing global feudalism.


Each year the kids go through a cycle or assessments and treatments with the following stages.

- Costant surveillance, protocollizations and reviewing of the attitudes, behavior and body functions of the kid, both by manually and by electronic means.

- A neuropsychological exam, partly done by electrodes and recording equipment attached to or inserted into all body areas, including the intimate openings.

- A physical examination by which inspections are done in most body areas with x-ray equipment, ultrasound probes and endosopes inserted into all body openings and especially the body openings in the pelvic zones.

- Medications to control feelings, behavior growth and pubertal development.

- Physiological or surgical adjustments in body areas, and especially in the genital zone and the rest of the pelvic area, mostly done through inserted endoscopes.

The examinations are especially extensive at certain age levels and are then typically done under general anesthesia with the child hsopitalized in an intensive care unit within the school itself or an annex used by several schols in the areea, These afe levels are school beginning at age 6-7-8, preteen period at 11-12, and puberty period at 15-17.

A general tendency in this kind of school system, is to hold much one does with the kids secret, both for the kids and the parents, by making the kid unconscious and memory-repressed with medication lured into himher in neutral surroundings, bring himher into a secret room to do the ordeal, bring himher out again and let the kid wake up again in a neutral room.

By Knut Holt

For more information about physical health, mental weellbeing, body developement and sexual techniques, please see:


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