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Date Posted: 13:33:20 06/23/21 Wed
rica0105 (jaywilliamson580@gmail.com)
Subject: Send Real Money when you Receive Realistic Payment and Learn Important Lessons
In reply to:
's message, "BUY GENUINE IELTS,TOEFL,PTE ETC,CERTIFICATE WITHOUT EXAM WhatsApp; +237674404199" on 09:25:28 10/07/18 Sun
The Easy and Profitable Opportunities have Arrived
no risk of remuneration
By now, you have seen the offers to accept real money, and to furnish fake documents or fake money by return mail. Maybe you are not the sort of person for whom those promotions were intended. Or maybe you were just the kind of nosy person who would ask why, if these fakes were so good, the vendor does not use them himself.
Well, you no longer have to worry about that kind of problem. Now, you may receive actual make-believe payments instead! Yes, thanks to the crack team at Google, you can receive realistic payment and dispatch real money, all from the comfort of your own hometown. You might even have the opportunity to draft some papers or discuss things using a new digital calling card [see FAQ section] so you really impress the make-believe client!
the procedure |         |  |         | approved representatives |
a few easy steps: - agree to undertake easy job
- receive realistic payment
- deposit payment in escrow account
- wire bulk of payment overseas
- admire realistic quality of check
- negotiate repayment plan with bank
| google gmail qualified: |
Yes, of course all transactions are fully backed by the famous Google three-way warranty:
- No questions, please
- No money back
- No exceptions
That means you can rely on the experts. Not only are they ready to accept your money, but they are prepared to provide reasonable-sounding explanations as to why you should not wait for payment to clear.
send real money for make-believe stuff
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New Alternatives to Buying Make-Believe Counterfeit Money --
mrro0704 (annagibsononline@icloud.com), 08:09:48 08/05/21 Thu