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Of course, this html code may be enhanced.
(although, the finished appearance is nearly exact)
Similar example/ same colors
this HTMLXD method can be applied to many different links.
(placed within Tables, Lists, Frames, and; of course....CSS Buttons)
here's my original CSS Test button
Test button
now, let's enhance this Test Button with HTMLXD.
(after doing so; it will probably take a few tries before acquiring a suitable color scheme)
Test button (using the XD/onmouseover feature)
This first-attempt doesn't look good, so we'll change the color of onmouseover.
(Now, the Text becomes black when highlighted)
Test button with Black #000000 onmouseover feature
In this next case below, I'm using the exact same onmouseout/onmouseover color schemes within the Button.
(word for word. all letters/numbers are identical
But, now using a different CSS code.
The highlighted background is an improvement.
a Revised Test Button
Notice: the button is now named class="bigA"
(the previous button was named C2C)
Please refer to bottom-of-page for complete CSS codes.
In order to fully utilize this htmlXD feature,
let's make the highlighted text become white, against a dark blue background.
(this will also be using a completely different CSS Code,
which uses background-color: #365682; color when hilighted.
and, this button is named dn (aka: class="dn")
If a font face is added, we may then alter the size of each button.
(using size="4")
using (using size="1")
and, these 2 buttons would appear as follows:
...needless to say: whenever enormous changes are made (such as size="6")
it also might be necessary to alter the CSS code (font-size:14px; padding:5px 8px; etc.)