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Date Posted: 10:42:24 11/06/13 Wed
Author: jonrpatrick (Joyful)
Subject: My Fun Life Travel MLM Launches WorldWide!

Headline: My Fun Life Travel MLM Launches WorldWide!

Summary: My Fun Life Travel brings the Travel Industry, Mobile Apps and Entrepreneurship together!

My Fun Life MLM, a new multi-level marketing system that is generating tons of excitement, has recently lauched worldwide! Jon Patrick of Patrick Marketing Group is a founding member of My Fun Life MLM, and wants to help others create a successful smart phone app business within the MLM business model.

During the My Fun Life MLM pre-launch time period, thousands of people have pre-registered for the system. In just 7 weeks, over 22,000 home-based entrepreneurs working for a better life-style have become members.

Combining the $6+ Trillion Travel Industry with the massive mobile-app market, My Fun Life can capitalize on the modern, mobile way of doing business. Combine this with a Multi-Level Marketing compensation and word-of-mouth advertising, and you have the next "Big Thing"

In recent years, Multi-Level Marketing systems have grown rapidly in popularity. As the economy continues to struggle in many parts of the world, many people are becoming interested in learning more about MLM systems and how they can help them earn residual income by working from home.

As an article about the My Fun Life MLM compensation plan explains, participants need just 12 people in their company in order to get back their monthly investment of $25; in essence, this will allow them to be part of the program for free. By using the power of something called the 3×10 Forced Matrix, people can build a successful system that can pay out an often impressive amount of income.

By utilizing this, and other innovations within the My Fun Life Compensation Plan, there is no longer any need to "balance" the volume in 2 'legs' of a downline, and the typical "cap" on income within a matrix disappears when you consider My Fun Life has four income streams.

Best of all for the aspiring entrepreneur, is the Travel App is merely the first of several planned by the company, the next being a Health App, and each will have it's own income potential!

Anybody who is interested learning more about the My Fun Life MLM opportunity is invited to visit the link http://TakeBetterVacations. Three short videos will give you a comprehensive introduction to the My Fun Life plan!

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