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When creating a CSS Button, it helps to choose a good Color combination.
This page shows how I begin with a practice button.
In this case, the first attempt was "Starter Button".
Then, it slowly progresses into an improved effort.
The end result is a matter of choice.
I feel that the Big C Button was a bit too flashy.
while, C2 was milder. and, mixing both elements was also a good color preference.
The Big C button The BigA button
I prefer the C2 button Now, mixing C2 with Big C. ...Plus, choosing a better Highlighter/ hover.
Basically, you should take-your-time picking the right colors
instead of settling for something less desirable.
After which, a lengthy code is needed.
directly below.
You'll notice that each Class="CHANGENAME" can be changed to another;
such as Changes, C2, bigC, BigA, C2C
Then, let's include both the proper CSS Code (from below) along with the shorter code from above.:
-------- the future; we'll begin delving into the HTMLxd method....