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Fertility Calendar
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Relevant articles on Women's Fertility.
definition: IVF
Assisted Reproduction
Possible Solutions involving fertility surrogate donors
Egg Donation: wiki
Glossary reference: reproductive terms
It's now time to learn the facts:
Women's bodies are designed by nature to reach their best Childbearing potential prior to Age 34.
(This doesn't mean she's incapable of having children later in life.)
But, whilst she is younger; it's far easier to conceive.
(Exact statistics will not be included;
since it's not my goal discouraging our readers. -Only to educate.)
Consider this: We've all seen young women who are seemingly unhealthy, or very heavy.
Yet, they bear perfectly normal children, with ease!
So, what exactly is their secret? Quite simply; youth & fertility are linked together
It gets even more complicated.
Even normal couples can experience obstacles. And, if she's young; there's plenty of time to rectify the problems.
But instead; European women are taught that it's somehow liberating to wait.
But, this advice has malicious intent.
Secretly attempting to expire her childbearing timespan.
But, it's better to learn sooner than later. This gives plenty of time to correct difficulties.
Here are a few things you should know:
-IT usually takes several months before successfully becoming pregnant.
- Each month, her body only gives a 48 hour window-of-opportunity.
(It's impossible to get pregnant, unless nearing ovulation)
[This usually falls roughly halfway between menstruation. Although,
it's a good idea to attempt conceiving within 4 days time-frame, due to irregular cycles.
-[Repeat]: each month: 92% of the time; it's impossible for a woman to get pregnant.
-A woman's fertility is greatly affected by diet, weight, and age. Whereas; these factors generally don't apply to men.
(note: male sterility is usually predetermined & less relevant to lifestyle.)
In other words, it's vastly more important for a woman to keep fit
Obviously, men should also take care of their health, but the rules apply exponentially more to women.
(refrain from alcohol, cigarettes, strenuous exercise, heavy lifting, etc.)
Males are capable of making new sperm, throughout his lifetime.
In contrast; women carry a definitive number of ovum; which she's already born with.
So, let's suppose you're a 50 year old woman who's managed to maintain her youth.
Even if her body hasn't aged or wrinkled; she will still reach menopause as expected.
Women are also more affected by ailments such as surviving cancer.
(since she cannot produce new eggs.)
--Let's also not forget: human beings generally run slight risks of accident or illness.
This is one more reason why it's NOT wise to follow liberal doctrine.
here's an actual example to demonstrate this point:
A 42 year old man survived a terrible accident. But, was informed that his reproductive abilities were affected.
Luckily for him; he had married young and was already raising a family.
Advice from the experts:
- Do NOT delay having children.
[it's not necessary to plan too far ahead]
(I've seen too many couples postpone until building years of financial security.)
Don't worry about trivial matters, such as potential food-scarcity. or 'not being able to afford parenting').
Nobody else worries about it. So, why should you?
-Also, infertile couples needn't be too concerned with producing biological children.
{e.g. If your husband has already been determined sterile, then simply find a sperm donor}
Trust me; it makes no difference whatsoever.
Fertility options are not the same thing as adoption.
Regarding adoption; this too is completely valid.