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Date Posted: 14:53:43 04/30/17 Sun
Author: Knuit Holt
Subject: HYPNOSIS EXPLAINED - how does the elite use hypnosis to desceive ordinary people

Hypnosis and Its Use in Society

By Knut Holt



Hypnosis is an altered mental state that can be induced in a person and used for mental manipulations. Hypnosis is actually commonly used in society, but often not called so.

The term hypnosis is used in there ways, partly about one specific mental state, partly about methods and procedures to achieve that state in a person, and also mental manipulations of a person in that state.

The hypnotic mental state has the following properties:

- All the attention of a person is directed in one specific direction, and at an object, person or voice situated in that direction.

- The things that the person sees or hears in that specific direction engages the mind of the person so that his attention persists.

- Censorial information about other objects around or things going on in the surroundings is greatly reduced or totally blocked.

- Information sent out from the point of attention is easily perceived by the hypnotized receiver and is easily recorded in memory, including anything told or any type of order given.

- Critical thinking and logical testing of information is shut off so that anything passed into memory is held as true, and any orders given tend to be obeyed automatically.

Methods of producing a hypnotic state in a person are many, but they have something in common:

- The surroundings are arranged so that there are few elements around that passes complicated or disturbing information.

- The hypnotist shows some object that is easily perceived and seen sharply distinguished from the surroundings. The classical example is a watch hanging in a chain, but it can also be the hand of the hypnotist or a technical device like a TV screen.

- The hypnotist does some simple repetitive action with the object while speaking to the person in a structured way.

- The object, action, voice or speach content is of such a kind that they evoke feelins in the resceiver that keeps him attent. The hypnotist try to use his knowledge about the receiver to chose actions that have that effect.

- After some while the person gets into a hypnotic state with the whole of his attention directed towards the object and the voice of the hypnotist.

- Then the hypnotist ceases his action with the object, but keeps speaking in a structured and predetermined way. Now the voice of the hypnotist will be the main point of attention.

While the person is in a hypnotic state the hypnotist can use the state for several purposes, both good and mean:

- He can pass true knowledge, or at least knowledge that the hypnotist regard as true, to ease the process of learning for the recipient.

- He can deceive the recipient with false information to gain undue profit, gain power or simply to do harm.

- He can alleviate symptoms of diseases to make the life of a patient easier, especially symptoms that are heavily connected to mental processes.

- He can enhance the motivation for some task in the recipient, for example the motivation for training, lifestyle changes or cessation of smoking or drinking.

- He can possibly stimulate the immune system and healing processes in a patient and thereby contribute to the treatment of a disease.

- He can enforce own leadership of a person or the leadership of someone he cooperates with, both leadership in business or political leadership.

Hypnosis is no seldom event, it happens all the day in all areas of the society. But most often the person performing hypnosis do not know what he actually does and the recipient do not know that he is being hypnotized.

Teachers, coaches and leaders known for good results usually obtain the result by a behavior that induces a hypnotic state in his audience and uses that state to pass information and motivation in an effective manner.

Successful political leaders or political deceivers tend to use hypnotic techniques to manipulate an audience in ways purposeful for themselves and their movements, with persons like Hitler, Lenin, Stalin, but also Churchill and Roosevelt as remarkable historical examples. Religious mass movements on a national or international scale are most often orchestrated by religious preachers using hypnosis in a systematic way.

The hypnotic techniques used by successful leaders of authoritarian political and religious mass movements have often been under development inside their organisation or an associated organisation for a long time. The techniques have then become standard tools inside these societies. The techniques are systematically passed to new leaders during their education, and often in secrecy for common members of the organization.

At some point in time an especially talented leader decides to gain total control over the religious or political society he belongs to, make his society into a mass movement and thereby also gain control over whole nations and internationally. The leaders of such mass movements are probably well aware that they actually are performing hypnosis with great masses of people as the audience, even though they seldom use the same vocabulary about their techniques as professional psychologists.


Knut Holt is an Internet marketer and author with a focus on health items and eroticism. Please see his web-site to find more health and sex information. There are also presentation of products to enhance sexual satisfaction and to improve health.



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