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So, here's a breakdown:
#000033 is the color which surrounds everything [I'm using dark Purple]
#FFFFFF is the color of text [White Text: the words "News and Headlines"]
Other features include padding (thickness) and font-size (text size)
#efefef is the color within the entire box. [I'm choosing a very light, Baby-Blue]
color RED creates red Text within the field, [as well as, red Dividing lines.]
(Note: RED is not cosmetically acceptable. I'm choosing this color for demonstrative purpose only.)
padding 2 is a minor effect. (using a higher number creates a slight break beforehand and afterward)
Font Size 22 will increase size-of-text. [it would also widen the gap between CSS Buttons]
Note: The Color of links (such as Title 1, Title 2, etc.) is using the default blog colors.
Now, Here's a simple example:
The entire background color can be changed to black [background-color:#000000]
the top number (519191) is the color which surrounds everything. (medium/darkish Blue)
while color #CCD6E0 is the color of all text, (an 'off-white' text color, both outside & inside the text field).
(notice how I've eliminated the additional color option, after Padding=2x.)
(So, all Text becomes the same color)