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HTML 'Remix"

Programmers are constantly striving to advance their skills.
New methods (using CSS, Tables, and advanced HTML) have enhanced the overall Internet experience.

Yet, even today; the most basic form of HTML is still functional.
The following examples are using the simplest old methods.
The only difference is a slightly organized layout, along with | lines dividing each title.
(you can also choose other dividing lines, such as , or ¦ .
And conveniently, future titles can be added; along with adding entire rows.
(in the following examples; the 'New Tab' code and inner text are not being used).
(These features can be added later!)
[also note: I've chosen <Div> and </Div> in between rows.
but, a simple <br>could also be used.]

example EE-1
News & Headlines
Title1 | Title2 | Title3 | Title4 | Title5
Title6 | Title7 | Title8 | Title9 | Title10 | Title11
Title12 | Title13 | Title14 | Title15 | Title16
Title17 | Title18 | Title19 | Title20 | Title21 | Title22

here's the HTML Code for EE-1:

example EE-2 (html code only)

example EE-3 (html code)

Html Lessons Home

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example EE-1

News & Headlines
Title1 | Title2 | Title3 | Title4 | Title5
Title6 | Title7 | Title8 | Title9 | Title10 | Title11
Title12 | Title13 | Title14 | Title15 | Title16
Title17 | Title18 | Title19 | Title20 | Title21 | Title22

example EE-2

Worldwide News

example EE-3

Current Events
Title1 ¦ Title2 ¦ Title3 ¦ Title4 ¦ Title5
Title6 ¦ Title7 ¦ Title8 ¦ Title9 ¦ Title10 ¦ Title11
Title12 ¦ Title13 ¦ Title14 ¦ Title15 ¦ Title16
Title17 ¦ Title18 ¦ Title19 ¦ Title20 ¦ Title21 ¦ Title22

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