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Tables: Colored

Often, Tables are too simple because their appearance is colorless &'hollow'.
Also, when complex backgrounds are chosen, regular tables can seem faded ...& difficult to see.
This problem can be corrected by making colored Tables.
It's generally a good idea to choose basic colors (such as AntiqueWhite).
But, the following example will exaggerate a broader Color Scheme (for demonstrative purpose only).

1 1v 5 5th Visible 9 9th Visible
2 2nd Visible 6 6th Visible 10 10th Visible Title
3 3rd Visible Title 7 7th Visible Title 11 11th Visible Title
4 4th Visible Title 8 8th Visible Title 12 12th Visible Title

13 13th visible title 17 17th title: Visible 21 21st title: Visible
14 14th Visible Title 18 18th Visible Title 22 22nd Visible Title
15 15th Visible Title 19 19th Visible Title 23 23rd Visible Title
16 16th Visible Title 20 20th Visible Title 24 24th Visible

if you replace <table border>
with <table style="text-align:center;">
the words will now be centered.
(using the Colored Table above, all words & visible titles are spaced toward the side).

Here's an example using the updated method: Voy/ 240012/
Here's an example using the older method: EuroIQ.
(You'll notice, an attempt was made to manually center each title by using old spacing methods. such as &nbsp;)

the New method is using <table style="text-align:center;">
instead of <table border>

Home page

There are no messages in the main index.
There's one basic point which must be emphasized.
Similar results can usually be achieved using different methods.
Here's another way to make colorful tables.
There are additional features, such as sizing and border alterations.
but the overall color fits all tabled areas within.

They're now being Centered.
Also, the following title 1 thru 8 and 1b thru 8b are 2 separate Tables, although it appears to be a singular one.

Title 1 Title 2 title 3 title 4
title 5 title 6 title 7 title 8
Title 1b Title 2b title 3b title 4b
title 5b title 6b title 7b title 8b

Remember: Tables can be used for various purposes.
It can be used as a Glossary, ledger, ....or anything else.
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