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If you're inputting CSS Code combinations onto Voy forums,
the My Buttons (or, Test Button) can be placed in the Header.
(There are some features which won't be closely examined; such as shadows.
Next, the background color is the entire color shaded in the CSS Button.
in this case, we're using a light baby-blue.
Of course, a different color can be chosen.
(The #F2F7FF is an example of HTML Color code.)
There are 3 border-radius choices, which determine whether the CSS Box is circular or square.
(You'll notice: similar numbers 11px were used for all 3 [instead of choosing unique alterations].
If the numbers 0 are used; it will create a square button.
The Border:1px solid #dcdcdc Is the thin line which surrounds the CSS button.
It seems insignificant, but using a darker line will sharpen the entire button. (try #000000).
(although, I've chosen a less pronounced color.)
The most important feature is choosing Color of Text
(all visible words inside the CSS Button)
Color choices are dark brownish, dark grey, or soft black.
the font-size will increase the size of Text.
the padding: 2px 8px perfectly sizes the button, in terms on height & width.
background-color:#BCB2A7 is the changing color-shade when the cursor highlights each CSS button.
(I've chosen a somewhat tacky darkish grey).
[obviously, these numbers can be changed.]
{an HTML color-mixer or Generator is recommended}
the Buttons which we've named .cn
( CSS buttons are given a distinct namesake)
Finally, here's the same CSS button using a much larger font-size: My bigger button
Here's the same CSS Button, using a darker border:1px solid.
(the little thin line which surrounds the Button)
My bigger button
Here's the same CSS Button using a darker primary color, and a 0px border-radius
(which increases or decreases the roundness):
My bigger button
background-color:#fCB2A7 is now being altered.
(Color When Highlighted).
Now, drag your cursor over the following button:
My bigger button
So, hopefully you've learned some basic knowledge of CSS Buttons.
Future instructions will offer less commentary.