Subject: Science, theology, & Cultural Marxism |
Author: administrator
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Date Posted: 21:42:32 05/15/14 Thu
In reply to:
's message, "The Science Page" on 15:48:04 02/23/14 Sun
If you're familiar with mainstream Science Websites; you've probably noticed their notorious habit of fusing conflicting ideologies.
For starters; most publications mix Religion with Science. I don't approve of this; BUT it doesn't affect my evaluations.
BUT unfortunately, the problem goes much, much further.
Often, their top headlines are driven by mere opinion. They're all guilty of pushing their own agenda.
Worst of all; they're all tarnished (to some degree) of Cultural Marxism.
This is not a new phenomenon. You can go back to the 1980's, and even the most reputable institutions were not immune to these attacks.
Everything from the Smithsonian, to National Geographic.
That's how Cultural Marxism works.
It affects every aspect of our lives.
And, honestly speaking; MOST Science websites here show some degree of Corruption ("Cultural Marxism").
I'll allow the religious aspect since it could technically be considered relevant. (although these debates aren't necessary).
BUT, I'm very strict regarding Racial & Gender politics.
This is why 3 sites were flat-out placed on a "Banned List" for several months. (BigThink, New Scientist, & Crash Course).
Plus 2 additional sites were placed on the "Warnings" list. ( & [yes, NASA].
I am now lifting the bans and creating a Fresh Start.
But, here's a few final words of insight:
You know; the great thing about the World-Wide-Web is our ability to speak-out.
For years; we were helpless to respond while {Frankfurt School Marxism} began to take-over our publications.
BUT, now it's possible to respond.
and, IF these Science channels continue mixing Science with Indoctrination; they're gonna hear it from ME.
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