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Subject: ` . screaming in silence

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Date Posted: 14:45:50 01/23/02 Wed

` . petite filly gazes 'bout her surrounds, lobes twitching swiftly. the miniature physique was drenched in colour, though her pelt did not compare to the beauty of the looking spheres. they resembled crystal balls, in which the gypsies used to predict the future. only she could, for certain; though many of her ideas were vague, she almost certainly knew she would never have another mother. the fact did not bother the small femina, as she was sure one was not required. limber fore-appendages struck out at the atmosphere in brute force, screaming ripping through the silence of hte desert. plum tresses floated about the muscular haunches, intricate weavings of sinew visible upon the limbs. throwing weight forth, frame rocketed wildly about the area, crazed actions making you ponder about her sanity.. though aren't we all even the least bit.. crazy?
` . screaming in silence. fortelling of death. banshee

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