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Subject: §things are not always what they seem

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Date Posted: 15:42:56 03/04/02 Mon
In reply to: Shatt 's message, "=so crazy it just may work=" on 20:25:13 03/03/02 Sun

§amused smirk plays on minature features. A snort emitted.

Do you really think that horses of statue larger than I would listen to one as small as I? I think not. I could not overpower them by brutish strength but only in cunning and magic. Besides I am to the dirty work and it will be my life I am risking. If I was to put myself on the thrown and then be vanquished would not all hope for ridding these lands of such tyranny be done? I selected you for your attitudes and the meer fact that you have been royal reaffirmed my choice. But we should have a king to help with charges. And what of the goods? Do they have a hate for the present royals? We need all support we can muster.

§teacup ears flatten 'gainst poll thinking for a moment, conjuring all sorts of wild ideas.

And of humans? Is there one who can speak to them? They have ropes and things not even a powerful evil can overcome....Scratch that..Humans think only for themselves...is there any other type of support we can persuade?

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