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Subject: [. mom .. you called .]

Tiszon | WC
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Date Posted: 20:23:21 07/10/02 Wed

. im not happy .. see my fake smile .

. mahog male ensues calling o' dam, cylandrical harks secured to skull as repeated hisses livin up his step. curled nape extends as some affection is expressed t'wards mother, all in which the dear boy could gather. form is twisted around to face the swarthy wild cat, voice hoarse with the evidence of rage entwined .
- mother, i was told you were looking for me? -
. for having lost his love and the male whom partially created him in such short notice the overal calmness and hidden emotions did the brute well. overall the evidence of stress, disgust and sheer rage burrowed into the male's features, but alas he tries to hide it as he is in the precense of the king .

. your such a good boy .

. ebon wild cat refrains from speaking to her beloved mahogany, the brown sheep out of the blacks you could say. mugg touches his sheen derma in a form o' affection, soft whuffs attempting to calm the restless youth .
-life goes on my boy and yes i have called for you. cyclone wishes to see you, he speaks highly of you and i was asked to bring you here for him-
. the aging mare sighs as mugg is left atop spinal o' son, sighing once more as all memories are pushed through lungs to be swept away on the breeze. no tears have been shed and truelly no deep, pain stacking emotions were reall felt, it was kinda like..life goes on..owell .

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[]Welcome[]Cyclone16:27:08 07/12/02 Fri

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