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Subject: <font face=verdana><font size=1><font color=slategray>[- due for greeting -]</font>

Hellbound | Tiszon
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Date Posted: 11:37:17 08/19/02 Mon

[- bellicose sahib ensues path which leads to the royals acreage, the word of a new princess wafted about the domiciles having finally reached his. animations decline in velocity with almost mute approach to sibling, jawettes peeled back to connect enamels to epedermal of tiszon, hey worthless, get out of my path it was of course a joke which both he and his brother shared silently. the usual arrogance ensued the ebony behemoth as attention focuses 'pon king and queen. cerebrum dips in form o' respect to duo, ive come on the notice of a childs birth and im guessing this beautiful filly is the one who bares the kingdom in her hands. Cyclone, i believe this is one of the finest young belles i have set my eyes upon. i had wanted to bring a gift for the royal birth but i wasnt quite sure what she would have liked, her first birthday i shall bring her whatever she desires. sigh is muffled by shake o' cerebrum, the thought o' his love and heir now filtering through mind, the days as a father now lost to the past -]

^unsespecting the approach o' brother, the pain quickly jerks attention upon the ebony beast. enamels unsheath to connect with crane o' sibling, steel jaw clenching down upon it with force until realizing who it is. stumbles backwards with delight, shaking cerebrum several times with laughter. your nothing but a bully, you go ahead and walk around like your the greatest thing, i'll crash that crown of yours one day nudge is given at siblings departure, returning attention to companion^

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