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Subject: ‡ destroyed ‡

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Date Posted: 11:12:01 12/26/02 Thu

\. so long ago the vast domicile embraced the dark soldier, the equine inhabitants decided family to the beast. yet times had passed and over the years the lineage of the spanish quartett slowly left the somber acres for assumed eternity - and oh how wrong! ./

{. stalwart kon increases velocity t'wards lover, viper swung carelessly o'er fleshy hind. senews pull taut 'neith covering flesh, visible as sheen ripples in pelt create an everlasting animation of sheer beauty. curvature drops as curvature extends t'wards topography, a heavy intake the cause of expanded delicates. instant vellicate administers mugg to frontal bosom, palpating labia divorced partially to allow a sonorous explosion of audible cries. the beast, destined for the thrown returns; in search of revenge, a lover and what life has yet to bring .}

given to war cry from the devil and properly marked as so

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Notice.Sharika19:04:43 12/26/02 Thu

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