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In this case, Voy forums makes it easy!.
Go To their General Settings, and this option's listing is URL to Background image.
Yet obviously, most websites and blogs don't offer this simplistic method.
Here's one simple technique for creating a background:
First, choose an Image.
(seamless images are preferred!!, but any Photo can theoretically be used.)
For example:
Unfortunately; many websites require users to place this code in the header, above the <body>,
OR, it must be placed far at the website's bottom.
And, for many blogs; this trick doesn't work at all.
(Luckily, Here on this forum; our background code can be placed everywhere).
So, it depends upon the blog.
Also note:
added features may also be included.
But, this Basic Tutorial will notfocus on them.
But, the example below shows how things could be added...
(although often, the IMAGE URL provides options to re-size the background.
such as HERE.
So, various features could be added, sometime in the future. Please Research:
here's an example: (a flimsy example!)
<body background="http://Place_URL_Here" width="500" height="500" alt="background33_top"></body>