Subject: Current and future social and economic problems in Norway - discussion on youtube |
Knut Holt
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Date Posted: 07:02:11 12/11/18 Tue
Norway faces big future problems which already begin to appear. The population do not see much of the riches and does not have a higher living standard than before the oil age. The housing prices and private dept level are among the highest it the world. For an average Norwegian it is difficult to pay for housing and elementary living nowadays out of the salary and a great part of the population steadily increase their dept to have enough for daily living costs. The country has got nearly depleted if industry apart from that oil-related, but after the crash of oil prices, this industry is hardly profitable any more and the best oil fields are soon emptied. Norway have the funds, but those are invested into shares, properties and bonds that will crash when the stock markets crack after the current boom.Also the health care and social services are not better that that if other Western European countries. Norway also have a real poverty problem among the citizens. It is true that Norway spend a lot of money on health and social services, but that money is mostly wasted by a masthodontic bureaucracy or used more for controlling the individuals that for creating welfare. I am Norwegian and I have seen it all from before the oil age. By the way, i have left Norway, since that country is not really good to live in any more.
Knut Holt
This is just allot of bullocks.
Dag Ut
Knut Holt, do you have a source for what you are writing? What you are writing is just not true.
Knut has served us some extreme oversimplifications and some flat out lies here. Dunno what his motivation is, but some old geezers are just never happy.
@foxylee What I write is the logical conclusion from several established facts. The all time high housing prices and private dept level is a well-known fact, and everybody can easily check it.The same is true about what I say about the industry and so with the other points. I could also add that the prices of everything is rising more than the average income. If you sum up the future consequences of these facts, the economic future for Norwegian average citizens does not look bright. But it has become taboo to talk about all of this, and especially to sum up an draw conclusions about consequences. There is a consensus among leading authorities in Norway not to talk about it
Knut Holt
Norway has issues, like every country, I'm not contesting that. That Norway isn't a good place to live in anymore, though?? Maybe not for you, but for a heck of a lot of people it is, me included.
@foxylee My points about housing prices, dept levels and the oil industry are not anectdotical. They are objective facts that everybody can check. Regarding the rest of the industry, it is not so easy to find statistics so one must assess it based on the daily news steadily coming out . What happens is that steadily more Norwegian companies move the production to other countries, often after being aquired by foreign companies. Also the industry politics of the government goes contrary to what will bring prosperity for the people in the long rum. Norway has for example a massive production of electric power. But this production is steadily more exported to the continent with transmission lines that are so expensive to build and run that they are not profitable. This rises the prices of power inside Norway, and cause power shortage. The result is a heavy economic burden for ordinary people and power intensive industry moving out. There is also a lot of new investments in oil-related industry, but I cannot see these will be profitable in the long run due to the development in the international oil market. Norway may still be a good place to live for some people right now, especially for those that successfully pray upon others directly or indirectly. But i know that there is also a lot of social misery in Norway related to the development going on. I have seen it myself, and I have seen many being totally knocked out and also die due to socioeconomic problems. Steadily more people in Norway get trouble paying for living and paying off dept. Instead of getting real help, they get exploited and enslaved in all ways by the Norwegian authorities and their private associates, and so also their children. Besides that, I am talking about the development and what the future will bring for the Norwegian people. What I see is not good.
Knut Holt
What I mean to say is simply this, if you want to make bold statements like "people being enslaved by the authorities", you ought to back that up with evidence, aka references to research, in the test itself. You say that this is easy to look up, but I absolutely don't agree. We are talking wast amounts of data, and analytical understanding of that data. It's not easy to get a grip on everything that moves in an economy. However, me saying this does not mean I'm think of myself as clueless. I have a degree in history, which includes economic history, and I try to keep myself updated on current issues. Although there are many policies I disagree with in Norway, I don't at all feel enslaved by the authorities. In fact, I am acutely aware, that in many countries of he world, I wouldn't have been able to climb the social ladder the way I have. I moved out when I was 17, and I've never received financial support from my parents. I'm living quite well, and I've not taken advantage of anyone else in the process. What helped me do this is Norwegian authorities. You are painting doom and gloom on the horizon, but I'm just not buying it. There's far more between paradise and catastrofy than you seem to allow for.
I regard myself competent to get an overall grip of the development going on. And I also go around and observe how people around me fare, who prosper, who have a hard time and who get broke in every sense, an who pray on other individuals. the situation I see is not good. I have not said that everybody are enslaved but that many are. I have seen it with my own eyes how people that have a hard time, in the next run are enslaved or exploited by private actors in participation with the government or their children has been used as tool for profit. Others have seen it in many forms and will recognize it, but again these things are taboo to talk about.
One of the things I have particularly seen is that people having been unemployed for some time without getting a new job, are forced to work in companies participating with the social sector without salary. The unlucky person gets a small sum monthly hardly enough to live off, the company get a commission from the social security with the pretense that they do a job to educate or rehabilitate the person, and they get a person they can freely exploit. It very seldom ends with the person getting a permanent job.
Another thing I can mention is that persons coming in a situation where they are not able to pay their dept, are forced to pay fees and salaries much higher than in most other countries, and many end up getting a horrible dept burden that steadily grows and never goes away. Dept collection companies are allowed to take much higher salaries than in most other countries and there is no limit for how high the dept due to salary burden is allowed to grow in Norway. Since very many Norwegian citizens gets into problems with their dept nowadays, quite a great bit of the population has come into a spiral of never ending new salaries and interest added to original dept.
Knut Holt
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