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Date Posted: 02:59:08 03/29/05 Tue
Author: Letimira
Subject: Dreamer
In reply to: Kree & Massath 's message, ">Green clutch<" on 02:24:45 03/29/05 Tue

Two little sandals on two little feet scuff up sprays of wet sand and water. The hem of her dress is soaked and salty from the little waves that lap at her feet in the balmy moonlight. Free! Letimira thinks to herself, grinning widely as she spins, her pale green skirts kicking up around her. She'd changed into this particular attire after her chores under headwoman Gisella, only to run out and muss them up in the womb of the night.

A particularly grand twirl sends her spinning out of control, and the girl finds herself on her bottom in the shallows, with the littles eddies flowing about her. She draws in the sand with one finger, smiling at the creation that is swiftly swallowed by the current. Nonetheless, Letimira grins, and crawls further up the back to get out of the cold ocean.

Her sopping dress collects sand and grit as she moves. Not just that garment - it was also filling her sandals, and was unpleasant against her soft feet. She tried to wipe the grains from her palms as well, but it wasn't totally successful. With an exagerrated little sigh, Letimira flops onto her back and gazes up to the lipped roof of the cove way above, and the stars a-plenty just beyond it. She gives a long and romantic sigh as she imagines wings, and a man. It always has a man. But.. not just a man.. a rider. His name would be.. V'mrio, and his dragon was bronze Celirath. No, V'mrio is too harsh. How about.. V'laro. Yes! V'laro and Celirath. Celirth. No, I like Celirath better. So..

V'laro rides upon Celirath's broad shoulders, and they sweep out of the sky and pull her aboard.. and the stars are so much brighter up close, so glamourous and glowing and beautiful.. and V'laro takes them and turns them into a neckace and a crown of pure light for her.. and she is the Queen of the Sky wearing them, with him as her King..

Letimira wakes up a few hours later. Night has deepened and the stars have changed, now more prominently ethereal on their black canvas. There is a nice moment where she can't remember where or who she is, and thinks she's a dolphin. Hello, my name is Teki, and this is my pod.. oh. Dear. The girl sits up and touches her fiery hair, which is matted with salt and sand and is still a deal damp. She pouts over it while stretching. And as she glances far to the left, she notices something that doesn't look quite like it should be there.

Scrambling to her feet, Letimira wanders over the shifting hills of sand to reach the little clump of sticks. There were six odd looking stones piled on it. She kneels and pokes at one. The surface was warm and spongy! Giving a shrill of fright and disgust, the girl recoils, wiping her finger on her dress and then regretting it. But morbid curiousity - and part of her telling her she knows better - draws her attention back. Leaning down, she spots the beige colour and the unusual structure of the twigs.

A nest! she gasps, squealing with sudden delight. After a twisting check, Letimira deduces that the mother has abandoned them, for she's nowhere to be seen. So.. maybe she could help herself.

Her tiny hands reach out and touch the surface of one of the larger eggs. She was instantly drawn to that one. It wasn't quite as strange as the initial contact, and soon she pulled it into both cupped hands, peering down at its shell. So warm.. it felt like life. Letimira smiles softly at it and hugs it to her chest, before tucking it into a pocket.

The girl is about to leave. But something about the lonely, misshapen nest keeps drawing her back.. she couldn't just.. leave the others there.. could she? A frown crosses her round face as she kneels again, toying with the little perfect ovals. She musn't be greedy. What would she do with six of them?

Then it hits her!

Letimira smiles a broad smile. Her brothers! She had watched Matelle - M'telle, now, she reminds herself fiercely - Impress a blue, and hadn't even congratulated him yet! Plus, hadn't her younger brother gone off to do something with the recent clutch of whers that was found? He'd mentioned it to her the day before and he hadn't come back yet. Well.. she thinks, with a smile. if he did get one then he needs to be contratulated, too. And if he didn't? Then he needs cheering up! She giggles, and gently picks out two more eggs, feeling quite charitable! One is quite small, while the other middles in size. Stowing them together in another pocket, Letimira moves the nest where she thinks the tunnel snakes won't get it, rolls off her knees, and stretches. It's getting late, and she is tired. So the young dreamer trots down the magical shore, back to the Weyr..

( Summary if you don't want to read it all: she takes a large, a medium, and a small. :P Sorry if this seems greedy. I'll have Romana fly to make up for it. XP )

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  • One medium left! (NT) -- LG, 11:55:26 03/29/05 Tue

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