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Date Posted: 23:31:31 03/31/02 Sun
Author: Benden
Subject: Suggestions Anyone?

Now that I've had a really "wonderful" realization that I really dont do that much around here to help out even though it is my own site... *seriously deep appreciative bows to S'sha and others.... you know who ye are...* I feel like I need to get into the whol role as owner here, thus... There will be some changes made... aka, we're "booting off the island" any Holds or Halls that
A. Aren't necessary
B. No one's in... unless it's a biggun such as Fort (just for example) in which case we'd have to reqruit someone...

But anyway, in these renovations so to speak, I'm also going to be adding a newspaper that will be updated monthly so that we all know what the shards is going on... (I for one rarely know what's going on in the Holds and Halls as I'm a Rider nut m'self... But I'd like to know...)

SOOOOOO! Since we're renovating... Or, I'm renovating... cause it's time for me to get my arse in gear and do a little work for once.... If you have any other ideas or suggestions, PLEASE let me know... Also, anyone who be interested in helping by typing up monthly stories describing what's going on in your neck of the woods... please send your article to WolvenChess@aol.com where it will be looked over and most likely put into the PrinterPressHalls news.... Thanks again!

May your picnics be free from wild ravenous flits and your cave explorations free from tunnel snakes!


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