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Date Posted: 21:10:20 04/05/02 Fri
Author: Benden-San
Subject: Thankee For yer Suggestions! Here's m'answers.... arg.... arg.... arg..... *hehehe*

Plague for Lost Souls.... dun dun dun.... look for it in the future... Too many of them...
More flights, ehrm... Basically besides my duty to bugle occasionally, I dun have that much control over it anymore, It kinda got leadership transfered... but lemme e-mail the person who's running it and I'll see if I can get more green male riders up at the top of the lists, as well as getting some more flights running.
Flit-wise.... Yes, the number of flits did get upped to 6 (Ginny needs to go refill *G* Flit nut she is...) And you're right, the clutches are too huge...
Hrm, Renegades, I shall update your list of mishievious wherries.... *ehem* scuze me... :) List of members, but could you do me the favor of telling me who is a member? I try not to look into what you do too often as technically.... I wouldn't know... So a list of who's with you would be helpful...

Thankyou those of you who're going to e-mail me news, as soon as I've got three articles up the page shall go...
(Obviously I'll be doing Benden, though, not much has happened lately... *thinks*)

And Fianally, I shall start working on Hold disentigration tonight... Any other last minute suggestions are still going to be taken! ;)

*Fly Happy*

-Kitty Ping-Pong/Ginny

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