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Date Posted: 22:55:19 04/11/02 Thu
Author: El
Subject: *cowers from the wrath of the big people*

I have been basically on probation since grades came out. Well, from the computer anyway. THEN my puppy got it in his bright head to eat an entire rubber squeaky burger and send himself to the vet. THEN I started up my children's theater. And all without giving notice to my Pernese pals. I hope you haven't auctioned off my characters or anything. I would be deeply upset if you did. I can only be on Thursday nights and Saturdays until further notice. Possibly Sundays as well. It's been TORTURE!! My poor dragonriders everywhere. They will be so lost and confused. Well, I'll have to deal them back in on Saturday, because my jailer has come to toss me back into my dungeon. I will not be torn from Pern. (Feels that is a very dramatic and fitting statement to end her speech and hopes it will save her from being ripped to little shreds.)

You can't kill an Opera Ghost. I hope! Oh, and Sushi, I finished my nice story about Balto. Or something. Well, I have most of it up, anywho. Cana, let me know who's name you changed this week and how many times you've changed it. Augh! The dreaded grades! Run!

El the Pursued Pernese Pilferer (Like the P's?)

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