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Date Posted: 22:18:32 04/20/02 Sat
Author: Arwen *Junior Queen of Fort*
Subject: Um>>>


At Fort weyr the rider's list needs updated, for all the hatchlings r now adults and some even aren't on there...such as my self *cough cough* Anyways, and the Weyr board says that their is a hatching on the sands...bla bla...and there isn't anything on the sands now with the hatching over...So, that needs to disapear or we'll have canidates and no Dragons for them..

Also, is High Reaches gonna have hatchlings soon? I've noticed its very unpopulated. I have a new char though for it. Southern is heavily inactive too, after Thread quit falling..my poor Lyra is so alone...*begins singing Linkin Park's "By Myself"*

Also, can someone let Piryth's flight begin? She's aching to race the males...

Now everyones gonna hate poor me for talking way too much, but now for compliments!

This is my fav RPG ever!! *smirk* Just absolutely love the whole thing.

Also, a few messages to a few people.

K'valla- You know Arwen likes you, right? ^_^

Kalire- Arwen wants to be friends, I can have Jahath roll in some mud or something..the she'd be....a muddy gold....*laughs insanely*

J'lar- Could we continue Weyrling Training?

OK...run outta things to say...and I'm talking to myself....now, thats all

Lyra + Blue Danth
Raen + Green Piryth
Arwen + Gold Jahath

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