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Date Posted: 11:27:42 06/22/02 Sat
Author: Raja
Subject: Ok, I have been procrastinating for way too long...I'm finally gonna write this...

Dear OOTS,
How to start? I have really enjoyed your site. It is the first rpg I ever joined, and the only one I keep going back to. It's the whole reason I even started reading Anne McCaffrey books! So, because I liked it so much, I got a 'hankering' (so I sound like a farmer...:D) to have a Pern rpg of my own. I finally finished it, but before I begin to advertise, I want your approval, as you're kinda the 'big kahuna' as far as Pern rpgs go. It has a slightly different premise than this Pern, and is set up differently, so I hope it won't be a carbon copy of this Pern or 'steal' your players. I wanted to be original, and still have a Pern site. So, if you could check it out and tell me what you think (in your hypothetical free-time), I'd be really appreciative. I want this to work! But, whatever happens, thanks for introducing me to Pern and Anne. (I'm not sucking up-it's true!!!)

Happy flying!!!

a Rider named Raja

P.S. Maybe I oughta give ya the link? Click here.
If that doesn't work, tell me. Thank you!!!!

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