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Date Posted: 07:00:55 06/29/02 Sat
Author: Cana
Subject: IMPORTANT...

Alright...to explain the reason why I quit DRoP: it's illegal. The whole site is, actually...none of this is allowed, and I think you can all get in serious trouble for operating the site...to quote Anne McCaffrey's official website:

"D. All role-playing must be done offline, that is, it cannot appear in print on a website ever as it is tantamount to online fan fiction, which is not allowed (see FAQ#2) Email archives should be set for either None or moderators only when using Yahoo Groups. ** Topica.com and SmartGroups.com cannot be used due to the fact of their limited settings, neither of which meet our guidelines.** Majordomo email services (for those with their own domain names) are allowed. News archives and OOC groups are allowed online, provided that they do not entail the RP's in a story-like nature. For instance news archives can be a short summation of recent happenings with certain characters, but not a story. The history of your Weyr should also be a short summation (two or three paragraphs) of the Weyr's past."

So...you're all my friends, and I don't want any of you to get in trouble...but if you don't shut down DRoP, I will tell Anne McCaffrey's site manager. Because it's what you're supposed to do, and Anne doesn't deserve to have the rules she wants kept to be broken after all her hard work with the series. I hope I'm doing the right thing here...if I don't get a reply in five days or so, I'll go ahead and inform the Dragonlady's site manager. So please, delete the sites and boards before I have to do that.


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