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Date Posted: 13:46:47 09/01/02 Sun
Author: Tenji .y. Keff
Subject: |=|
In reply to: Tenji .y. Keff 's message, "=|=" on 09:23:15 08/31/02 Sat

"KEFF!?" Tenji stares up at the ceiling, feeling awkward to say the least. A few seconds later she can hear the Phia's voice.
"What is it?"
"Err... my arms feel funny. Almost numb. And my cloak's almsot solid."
"And your point is?"
"Doesn't the ship have some medical programs? I'm so not going to go downtown like this."
"So shortsighted.. you should've thought about this before getting drunk and injured."
"Get lost.."
"Have a nice day."
"KEFF!?" No reply "KEFF!" Nothing... "Sometimes I wish I would understand myself.." Her plans to use her right hand for support while rising up fails as she can barely feel her fingers. Streching up her legs she swings herself onto the floor, almost falling onto her face. Waving her tail and trying to gain control over her feet she manages to stand relatively straight. The bed was a crimson mess and her clothes even worse.
"I've contacted the patrol units here, they'll be bringing a emergency medical kit any minute. I'll have the Ship prepare instructions in the cockpit since I assume you don't know a thing about injuries."
"Well, I do know how to get them. I would be in a medical school if I were to specialize in them." With a moment's silence she adds, "Thanks for the help."
Sitting in the cockpit, she sits in the pilot's chair wearing only her pants narrowing her eyes in annoyance while trying to figure out this medical nonsense. It was abd enough having to clean her wounds with ehr arms as weak as they were but having to read some idiotic manual that was off topic 70% of the time! In the middle of a line of swearing Keff interrupts her with as merry voice as his mewing mindtalk was.
"Listening to you and having the ship's log of you open definitely assures me that you are not a noble. You could outcuss any pilot I've met or heard of."
"Why can't people make their files understandable? It can't be hard telling you to put this unpronouncable liquor on like this and then use this medical crap instead of having to include what latest researches show is best! I don't need to know that!" Taking a short break to breath she continues, "Keff, get better medical instructions!"
Keff laughs in his Phia way. "I just had the best avaialble installed. I'm guessing this is made for people who have medical experience, which most nobles recieve something of, instead of streetkids with a knack for getting hurt. I'll try to find Injuries For Dummies for you"
Tenji rolls her eyes, both at the pain from some powder supposed to go over the injuries and at Keff's comment.
"Don't tell me that the snobs actually read this? I've known sick persons but reading crap about recent researches and product developements!"
"The bandages Tenji.. it's their turn. You could always let the Ship dig out what you need from it's files. Either via me or direct contact."
Snatching up the bandages, a second spent in being awed at the return of feeling before annoyance at Keff surges up.
"And you just had to tell me that aft..." her sentence trails off as she stares wide eyed at the bandage package. "Keff... am I supposed to cover my wounds with this?"
Through his cockpit cameras Keff notices what she ment. The thin banadage would barely cover much else than a medium sized wound on her arm.
"I do have some major-wound bandages you could just put on your back and tie it down. I wont guarantee a great look but you proved your bad taste yesterday anyway."
Tenji shakes her head idly before rising up, following Keff's instructions as of where to find it and how to put it on properly. Once finished, she looks at her reflection at the shining metal wall ahead of her muttering something about greatness before trying to prepare for buying new cloak and some clothes to replace her bloodied ones.

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