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Date Posted: 14:05:48 03/09/03 Sun
Author: Zenza**Tyno
Subject: Impatiance should be a virtue, too....

Zenza looks down at the Hangars. "I can do this." The determined tone in her voice reflects that of the voice of Tyno. Of course. Remember tape 12: Slow and Easy. Zenza nods gives the command to initiate landing sequence. The soft rumble of the engines reduces to a purr as Tyno obeys. Reminding herself to breath regularly, Zenza eases the ship into the docking area. Once safely docked the Tokathe sighs. "I did it. Any scratches?" All is in perfect condition. Zenza feels a sudden tiredness growing in her mind. "Is there somewhere I can sleep?" By Tyno's directions, the white finds her way through the ship into a small room with a cot jutting out from one wall. "When I'm rested, we will practice flying." Good. I will set auto alarm for two hours of nap. According to my sensors, that is how much time you will need to recuperate. Zenza nods as she lays down into the cot. Mumbling is all that comes out of her mouth. "Okay. Two hours. That's good...." The Tokathe drifts off to sleep.

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