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Date Posted: 11:08:24 07/08/02 Mon
Author: Channa and Wrelor
Subject: Well...
In reply to: Wessae & Shrinae 's message, "Smile" on 11:49:35 07/05/02 Fri

The red snorts, draping one clawed paw over his snout and not responding to the gold's speech. But Channa (who'd heard half of it through her lifemate) grins slightly. "Well, yeah, she's right I suppose. Your brother was at the Guide Den when I passed there on the way here. Looked like he was talking to some big cat. Scary enough so I just kept moving - plus Wrel... Wrelor wouldn't let me stop." The short girl growls briefly, a funny sound coming from a human. "The hardest thing to get used to is the name change." Channa winks at Wessae, a 'normal' grin lighting her face. "This Great Leader, to whom you should bow for getting most of us here safely, hopes to become a Guide someday. Once I've Coinshifted my way to a new species. Somehow... somehow being human makes the loss so much more painful." Then, noting other Pernese in threads above, she turns to talk to them as well.

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