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Date Posted: 16:01:31 11/19/02 Tue
Author: Darkiy
Subject: ~!@#$%^&*()_+
In reply to: Millicent 's message, "Re: ~!@#$%^&*()_+" on 10:38:37 11/16/02 Sat

Darkiy narrows her eyes at the advancing Shifter, squawking shrilly. Hunkering closer to her six eggs, the gold finally realizes that this newcomer entity wasn't hostile, merely searching for a third companion. Crooning warmly and backing off a step, the Flit nudges forth one of the smaller eggs. It's shell is a creamy sky-mottled tan, quickly ruptured by brilliant cobalt claws. A keening noise emanates from the gyrating orb, yet the large blue within staggers out into the sand. His pelt is deep and a shade of very pure sapphire, graced with lighter blues near his back and blackish ones at his feet. Creening loudly, his desperate eyes seek out his bondmate. He flings himself at Millicent, needing food badly.

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