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Date Posted: 19:43:49 02/06/03 Thu
Author: Channa and Wrelor
Subject: Wandering...

You're a Guide now, a masculine voice grumbled, so quit shirking the responsibilities that you don't have. The unexpected levity surprises a short, slender girl, who stops and peers up at her Linked. "Kamali was busy, Wrelor, you know that," she murmurs, "and I had no right to take her from those Questing." The exceptionally large Kilven shrugs slightly, tossing his muzzle with a snort. Maybe she's not so busy now. You're a Guide without a task, rider mine. The familiar term shook Channa, but she hurriedly shed the flood of nostalgia that swept through her.

"I am a Ch'sha and a Guide of Etreus, Linked to red Wrelor." The common affirmation doesn't faze the Kilven as he settles his dark-crimson pelt to the lush grass. For my part, I am me, and I will always be me. Now lay down before you hurt yourself. Channa laughed light-heartedly, settling her short frame against her lifemate's flank and sighing contentedly. Since receiving her rank, Channa's thoughts had turned more and more to her lost sister and old home, and Wrelor had completely accepted the change in form and planet. Odd, how things worked out.

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