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Date Posted: 19:32:51 04/17/03 Thu
Author: J'red ~ Marenor
Subject: Muaha. First post again. Let's see if I've forgotten how...

Over part of the rustling expanse of grass gentle music can be heard. Anyone following it to its source would first see the bulk of a large kilven - this is bronze Marenor, fur ruffling slightly in the breeze. He curls his neck around slowly and looks at a smaller figure sitting by him - small by the larger than usual 7'9-at-the-shoulder Kilven, but tall amongst humans. Five flits show unusual calm, sitting quietly by or on the kilven. Sometimes the gold or one of the three bronzes trill or croon, but the blue is silent. They act as if enchanted by the music, and perhaps they are. Marenor's blue eyes survey J'red's form, finding comfort in being so close to his bonded. It has been a long time since such relaxation was possible, and Marenor has missed the music.

If the anonymous watcher looked at the Kilvenrider, he would see that, although a coinshifter, J'red has not taken any animal traits yet. They would also see that he held a long silver pipe - a flute, one of the few remaining relics from Pern, the lost world. It is with this he makes the music that winds its way over the field. His coffee-coloured skin sets off his dark hair, and his red eyes are half-shut as he concentrates. A part of the music reminds him of his old home, and the people that he knew there - this is the first time he has practiced since gaining Mastery, a day before Pern was lost. A flicker of pain shadows his eyes, then is gone, lost in the eternal peace he finds in music.

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